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这个消息看起来似乎没有什么意义。This message seems trivial.

仅只是眼睑,如此琐细。Merely lid. How trivial it is.

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餐桌礼仪并不琐碎。Table manners are not trivial.

不要认为哪件事太严重或者太琐碎。Consider nothing too big or trivial.

数字格式相当琐碎。Number formatting is rather trivial.

有多少时间是浪费在世俗的琐事上。How much of your time goe to trivial.

第一种很没有意思,就是同核。One is the trivial case, homonuclear.

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这里所涉及的数字,不能等闲视之。The numbers involved are not trivial.

他们总是为一些小事而争吵。They always spar over trivial matters.

别把这些稀松平常的事放在心里。Don't take such trivial matters to heart.

我不会拿琐碎的事来烦你。I will not labor you with trivial matters.

在这个整体中,人类显得是如此的卑微。In the midst of this, man seems so trivial.

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其他的是都过于琐碎而不用烦扰。The other stuff is too trivial to fuss over.

这些数字本身当然是平凡无奇The algebra is, of course, very trivial here.

不能为这种琐事浪费具体时间。Don't amte time in that kind of trivial thing.

有一些指令的琐细的变更。There are trivial variations in a few commands.

但是,在这个简单的示例中,主体是静态文本。But in this trivial example, it is a static text.

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最后的收益是不会妄自菲薄。The final benefit in my list is far from trivial.

我们容忍它们因为它们是常见的、鸡毛蒜皮的事。We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial.

你的能量将会浪费在琐碎的事上。And your energy will be wasted on trivial pursuits.