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我没有见过大山,没有养成仰望的习惯。I haven't seen the jebel , haven't get into the habit of look up.

我们还去了杰贝尔.阿卡达山上的其它几个小村镇。We also went to several smaller towns on the Jebel Akhdar mountains.

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例如,迪拜的杰贝阿里港是世界上最大的集装箱港口之一。The Jebel Ali Port, for example, is one of the biggest container docks in the world.

这一群人可能把杰贝尔-法亚当作出发点散布到亚洲其它各地,马克斯他们说。This group, they suggest, could have used Jebel Faya as a launch pad to the rest of Asia.

此外,该酋长国还有哈塔镇和杰贝尔阿里港等地。In addition, the Emirates and also the town of Jebel Ali Shehata Hong Kong and other places.

杰贝阿里高尔夫球温泉酒店一揽子增值服务丰富多彩,让您体验与众不同的迪拜之旅。Create your own Dubai experience with a variety of value added packages available at the Jebel Ali Hotel.

罕见的降雪让阿联酋的最高峰贾伊斯峰银装素裹,但当地居民都不畏寒潮。The rare snowfall covered the UAE's tallest peak, Jebel Jais, and residents weren't afraid tobrave the cold.

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这些也被称为胡塞的叛乱分子说,直升飞机当时正飞往都可汗山的边界地区。The rebels, who are also known as Houthis, say the helicopter was approaching the border area of Jebel Dukhan.

比如,绝大多数销往中东的汽车都经由迪拜的杰贝阿里港转运。For example, the vast majority of all cars sold in the Middle East are transhipped via Dubai's port at Jebel Ali.

在圣山的山顶——山尖包裹着一层黄金,无不使来访者眩目——这位黑法老纂刻下了自己的名字。On Jebel Barkal’s pinnacle—partially covered in gold leaf to bedazzle wayfarers—the black pharaoh ordered his name inscribed.

迪拜深水港杰贝阿里的自由区于1985年建成,被普遍认为是中东北非最成功的自由区之一。Take the free zone at Jebel Ali, a deep port in Dubai established in 1985 and widely considered to be among the most successful.

在7万5千年到14万年前,从杰贝尔-法亚渡过海湾到达伊朗沿岸应是很容易的。Between about 75, 000 and 14, 000 years ago, the coast of Iran would have been easily reached from near Jebel Faya, across the Gulf.

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在海湾战争和2003年伊拉克入侵期间,迪拜一直向同盟国提供可重振阿里山免税区的根基。Dubai provided refueling bases to allied forces at the Jebel Ali free zone during the Gulf War, and again during the 2003 Invasion of Iraq.

杰贝尔-法亚位于阿拉伯联合酋长国。虚线显示海洋处于低水位时暴露的陆地部分。科学组/美国艺术与科学研究院The location of Jebel Faya, United Arab Emirates. The dashed line indicates the maximum exposure of land during marine lowstands. Click for larger image.

会后,代表团还将对杰布阿里自由区、阿基曼自由区和中国城、迪拜龙城等进行实地调研和项目对接。After the meeting, the delegation will also make field visits to Jebel Ali Free Zone, Ajman Free Zone, China Town, and Dragon Mart for project cooperation.

能证明海湾地区人类栖息地的最有力证据来自名为“吉备。法雅1号”的新考古遗址,这是四年前考古队在波斯湾盆地发现的。The most definitive evidence of these human camps in the Gulf comes from a new archaeological site called Jebel Faya 1 within the Gulf basin that was discovered four years ago.

如果杰贝尔-法亚的工具是早期散布到亚洲的人们留下的,那么应该能在伊朗沿海和内陆找到进一步的证据。If the Jebel Faya evidence is the product of an early human dispersal into Asia, then further evidence of that dispersal should be found on the Iranian coast and its hinterland.

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平安夜,报平安,今夜如果祥和的旋律从你的梦中流过,那么你是否想到,是我跨越关山千万重来入梦。Christmas eve report peaceful if tonight the peaceful cantus transflux from your in a dream so whether you thought of or not is I span ten million in barrier jebel to do it again into the dream.