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这真的是必须品么?Is it really necessary?

穿长袜有必要吗?Are stockings necessary?

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但行动是必需的。But action is necessary.

必要时浓缩新闻。Condense it if necessary.

需要查一下心电图。A cardiogram is necessary.

有生活起居用品吗?Is there any life necessary?

必要时轻装上阵。Travel light when necessary.

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若有必要,可以屈膝。Bend your knees if necessary.

但那种做法有必要吗?But should that be necessary?

不可避免要花时间。Necessary to spend nany time.

如有需要,可另加行数。Please add rows if necessary.

他们加入了必需的燃油。They added the necessary oil.

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如有需要,请另用白纸填写。Use plain paper if necessary.

在需要填的地方填表。Fill the form where necessary.

那么为什么需要这一步?So why is this step necessary?

运用隔离霜也是有必要的。Cream is also necessary to use.

它会执行所有必需的工作。It does all the jobs necessary.

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有必要进行紧缩。Retrenchment will be necessary.

如有必要我们再来找你。We ll contact you if necessary.

如果必要的话,我可以乘汽车去。I can take the car if necessary.