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华尔街23号记载着历史。History overhung 23 Wall.

整个公寓烟雾腾腾。The apartment was overhung with smoke.

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战争的阴影逼近了那个国家。The threat of war overhung the country.

有玫瑰花悬垂其上的花园围墙。The walls of the garden overhung with roses.

整个城市弥漫在污染的浓雾之中。The city was overhung with the pollutant smog.

晦暗,覆盖着倒悬的诗句的藤蔓。Darkened and overhung by the running vine of the verses.

这是长音圈确实共有的失败例子。This is indeed a common failure mode of overhung voice coils.

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在他回家的途中,要经过一道临江的悬崖。His path, it was known, led along a cliff that overhung the river.

十二月的阴沉沉的风顺着房顶吹下来。The gray wind of December is sweeping down the overhung of the roof.

从某些方面来讲,这是被考虑的一个好的折衷方案。In some cases this is considered a good tradeoff. The overhung coil, Fig.

不知不觉中,他发觉自己已置身在一座巨大的花园里,花园里的苹果树开满了花,紫丁香长长的枝桠垂挂在湖岸边。full blossom and long branches of lilacs overhung the shores of the lake.

所有木槽一端,都有个洞位于下一根木槽端的上空。All of those above had single holes in the end that overhung the trough below.

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空气中弥漫着紫丁花的香味,长长的枝条垂落在湖岸边。And the air was scented with lilacs, the long branches of which overhung the shores.

而当中间盘比外伸盘质量小很多时,系统的振动响应会降低。When mass of mid-span is lesser than that of overhung rotor, the response of system will decrease.

在河的彼岸,我们可以看得见在接骨木排垂下的石质桥墩。On the farther shore, overhung by a clump of elder bushes, we discern the stone abutment of the bridge.

MAG磁力泵采用了PHL卧式悬臂叶轮泵设计的磁力驱动配置。The Flowserve PHL-MAG is the magnetic drive configuration of the PHL horizontal, overhung impeller design.

氛围里飘着丁香怡人的香气,一根长长的枝条垂到弯弯曲曲的湖岸边。And the air was scentedly with lilacs, the long branches of which overhung the indented shores of the lake.

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褐色,中等大小,卵形轮廓,明亮而整洁,下垂的、中等长度的眉毛。Eyes are brown, medium in size, oval in contour, bright and clear and overhung with medium length eyebrows.

空气里飘着丁香怡人的香气,一根长长的枝条垂到弯弯曲曲的湖岸边。And the air was scentedly with lilacs , the long branches of which overhung the indented shores of the lake.

不管前面所讲的,已经有大量成功的使用长音圈的低音。In spite of the foregoing, there are numerous examples of successful commercial woofers using overhung coils.