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法律是人民意志的体现。Laws embody the will of people.

人可以表现他不理解的真理“Man can embody truth but cannot know it."

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谷歌的工具体现了新的工作方式。Google tools embody the new ways of working.

巴黎世家很快就来到巴黎体现优雅。Balenciaga soon came to embody Parisian elegance.

熟悉的旋律,演绎时代的激越。The familiar melodies embody the spirit of this era.

开发体现服务用例的服务测试。Develop service tests that embody the service use cases.

我们多少也都,体现了这种质量。And we all to some degree embody this quality in ourselves.

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鹳雀楼心境则包含了饱经风霜、回家途中的人生智慧。The feelings of Guanquelou embody weather-eaten life wisdom.

色彩是赋有鲜明的时代感和时髦性的。Colors embody the vivid characteristics of the age and fashion.

理想自身不会包含任何不清不楚或言行一致的东西。In itself it would not embody anything unclear or contradictory.

体现国家意志是考试的属性。The attribute of examination is to embody the state's will-power.

私人飞机与婚礼都是生活品味的最佳体现。Private aviation and weddings both embody the best of Savoir Vivre.

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完善体现这种结构的就是虚拟企业。It is the virtual enterprises which embody this structure perfectly.

李洱小说的叙述艺术体现了一个学者型作家的叙述智慧。The narrative art of Li ers novels embody an author relating wisdom.

那么珊瑚和海蛞蝓到底展示了什么样的双曲线几何呢?So what is this hyperbolic geometry that corals and sea slugs embody?

熟语是语言的精华,承载着大量文化信息。Idioms, as the cream of language, embody abundant cultural information.

总的来说,这个变化体现了国家的人性化。他说。Altogether, the changes "embody the humaneness of the country", he said.

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两者的契合点是如何体现出来的就是我将要探讨的问题。It is the question that I will probe into how the joint of the two embody.

比如信纸的折法,稍有不慎,就会被当做故意冒犯。The manner of folding a letter, for example, may embody a studied affront.

因此可体现出图腾符号、巫术符号及象征符号意义。So it can embody the totem symbol, magic symbol and symbolize symbol meaning.