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解决那些炮手!Take that gunner out!

他是英国海军的一名炮手。He is a gunner of the British navy.

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铁虎干掉屋顶上的两名机枪手。Iron tigers kill two gunner on the roof.

副机枪手为机枪手提供目标。The assistant gunner spots for the gunner.

“简直不能‘盯’住它,”机枪手说。"Can't even hold him in the sight, " the gunner said.

机枪手和步枪手瞄准了洞穴入口。A machine gunner and rifleman cover the cave entrance.

第1门炮的炮手在瞄准镜里看到了坦克指挥塔。The gunner from 1st gun can now see the cupola in his sight.

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榴弹炮由一名额外的舱外炮手控制。An additional exterior gunner controls the projectile cannon.

每个炮兵连都有一个炮手是军士,其余都是二等兵。One gunner in each battery was an NCO and the rest were privates.

后部的机枪只能为飞行员赢得更多的时间。The rear gunner is only good as a deterent to buy time for the pilot.

在这款游戏中你扮演一个防御平台之类的地方的战士。In this game you play as the gunner on a defense platform of some sort.

这种僵尸会跃到车上,抓住枪手,再向你移动。The zombies will leap into it, get your machine gunner and move on to you.

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大炮后膛门关上后,一切准备就绪,炮手拉动引火绳。When the breech was closed and all was ready, the gunner yanked the lanyard.

在观看了这名前枪手的比赛之后,你是否把他场上的元素加到你的比赛中?Is there anything you've added to your game as a result of watching the former Gunner?

它还腹侧敞车下鼻子,从其中一名炮手可大火在后面。It also had the ventral gondola under the nose, from which a gunner could fire rearwards.

本文是有关一名勇敢的伞兵机枪手在一场给国家造成永久伤害的战争中的故事。This is the story of a brave para gunner in a war which inflicted lasting scars on the country.

回顾炮塔射手的操作过程,再次略述陀螺瞄准具的原理可能会有用。It is perhaps worth outlining again the principles by acting the part of a trainee turret gunner.

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戴金花双枪连发,登时就把鬼子的机枪手和供弹手打爆了头。Dai Jinhua double gun series, cried the devil of the gunner and for playing the hand off the head.

很多人都不认为这位6尺7的枪手会成为一位备受赞赏的球员,他们觉得一双好翼插错地方了。Many discounted the 6-7 gunner as a career complimentary player, a good wing for the right system.

刚纳对到巴伦支海执行监视任务并不担心。Gunner had no qualms about Reno's mission of spying on Soviet submarine maneuvers in the Barents Sea.