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是呵,家庭,社会与学校的束缚是何等的严紧呀!Yes, how repressive is the bondage of family, society and school!

这是他回应的镇压1798年的外国人及煽动叛乱的行为。It was his response to the repressive 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts.

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基本收入与此相反,既不会无价值,也不残暴。The BI is the opposite of this, neither stigmatizing nor repressive.

人民受着凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫。The people is held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.

为什么地球上的平均主义实验会滋生压迫性的政权呢?。Why did equalitarian experiments on the Earth generate repressive regimes?

他们希望能够为自己的压制政策找到一些辩护理由。They hope for at least partial vindication of their own repressive policies.

她说,在经历了这么多压抑后,罗马尼亚却已经“集体失忆”了。She said Romania had developed "collective amnesia" over its repressive past.

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现存的社会福利被指责为是无价值的、残暴的。The existing social benefits are considered to be stigmatizing and repressive.

俄罗斯仍是世界上媒体环境带有更多压制性和危险的国家之一。Russia remained among the world’s more repressive and dangerous media environments.

如果一旦妥协,谷歌公司无疑就是中国政府压制言论的帮凶。To give in now would make Google into an accomplice of Dhina's repressive government.

与性侵犯紧密相关的是一种严格的,压抑的宗教信仰的培养。What does correlate highly with sex offense is a strict, repressive religious upbringing.

我知道,与压制性政权接触没有义愤填膺来得畅快。I know that engagement with repressive regimes lacks the satisfying purity of indignation.

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无论是对于什叶派或是逊尼派,这项法律的通过会为其他压制性法律的通过提供一个‘典范’。It opens the door for other repressive laws to be passed, for Sunni Muslims as well as Shia.

我们担忧在其他较压抑的省份里,可能有相似,甚至更糟的情况。We are concerned that in other, more repressive provinces, conditions may be similar or worse.

马奥尼说,正在追捕网络记者的不仅是那些专制性政府。And it’s not just repressive governments that are hunting down online journalists, Mahoney said.

韦布访问缅甸使人们猜测华盛顿可能改变对缅甸的政策。Webb's visit has raised speculation of a policy shift in Washington toward the repressive state.

胡斯尼·穆巴拉克就利用巴以冲突作为他镇压武库中的控制工具。Hosni Mubarak used the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a manipulative tool in his repressive arsenal.

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政府采取的镇压措施也引发了极端势力的抬头。The radicalisation has also been provoked by repressive measures taken by the republican governments.

维多利亚时期的一个典型特征就在于它严厉的性道德观,对性采取一种压抑的态度。The Victorian Era was characterized by a stern sex moral outlook and a repressive attitude toward sex.

一方面是失误在全国性共识下的镇压政策中也正在显现。One is that small cracks are already appearing in the national consensus behind its repressive policies.