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透过狂风的呼啸和怒吼。Through gale's whistling and shimmer.

丰富的苔藓绿带铜色光芒。Rich moss green with a bronze shimmer.

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金色闪光让深紫色更加柔和。Gold shimmer softens the look of deep violet.

活力哑光橙色上带绿色闪光。Vibrant matte orange topped with green shimmer.

醉人的樱桃红泛着紫色的折光。Attractive cherry red color with violet shimmer.

柔和的浅湖水绿色带淡粉色闪光。不可用于唇部。Soft light aqua with pink shimmer. Not lip-safe.

只是擦了干布就能够恢复光泽。Just wiping with a dry cloth can restore the shimmer.

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石榴红色的酒体闪烁着宝石般的光泽。Deep, fairly intense garnet color with a ruby shimmer.

丝绒般的炭灰色带多种柔和颜色闪。Velvety charcoal with a gentle multi-coloured shimmer.

香槟蜜桃色带股淡淡的浅红光芒。Champagne peach shade with a hint of light red shimmer.

深巧克力褐带粉红和金色光芒。Deep, earthy chocolate brown with pink and gold shimmer.

深陶土色带柔和的古铜和金色光芒。Deep terra cotta shade with a soft copper and gold shimmer.

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最佳的岩石水晶有着水清晰净度和淡光。The best rock crystal has the clarity and shimmer of water.

火光的影子开始在屋里跳跃舞动。Firelight shadows began to shimmer and dance around the room.

微妙的象牙色带淡淡的金橙色光芒。Subtle ivory-nude shade with a touch of golden orange shimmer.

在炭灰色基调上闪耀着珠光锡金与绿松石光芒。Pearlescent pewter with turquoise shimmer over a charcoal base.

在光照下呈现白象牙色带薰衣草紫闪。Pale ivory taupe with lavender shimmer that show up when the light hits it.

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而花色服装配以螺旋花纹的领带是男性牛儿的首选哦。You shimmer in flowery dresses, and paisley ties are a must for male Bulls.

彩绘镶嵌着黄金和宝石,随着光亮层层闪烁。The brightly colored paintings literally shimmer with inlaid gold and lapis.

隔着一定距离亲眼目睹,这效果就象有热源点亮了全部鸟巢。Seen from a distance, the effect was like heat shimmer over the whole rookery.