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我对艾思梅耳语道。I whispered to Esme.

我迟疑地向艾思梅微笑。I smiled hesitantly at Esme.

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我很好。艾思梅正和查理一起吗?I'll be fine. Is Esme with Charlie?

卡莱尔正把某个小物件递给艾思梅。Carlisle was handing something small to Esme.

贝拉,这是埃斯梅,实际上像我的妈妈一样。Bella, this is Esme. My mother for all intents and purposes.

埃斯梅和卡莱尔也结婚了,同样,也只有一次。Esme and Carlisle are also married, again, just the one time.

埃斯梅热衷建筑艺术和装修——房子都由她负责。Esme is into architecture and restoration–she's responsible for the house.

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想知道卡莱尔和埃斯梅是怎样相爱的,你们就必须了解埃斯梅的故事。To understand how Carlisle and Esme fell in love, you have to know Esme's story.

你知道卡莱尔当时父亲还在,爱德华、埃斯梅和爱丽丝他们就一个都没有了,真的。You know Carlisle had his father, and that Edward and Esme and Alice all had no one, really.

到学期结束时,艾思慕通过了所有的单项体操动作,只有一次掉下来和有几次小的摇晃。By the terms end, Esme got through every single routine, with only one minor fall and a few bobbles.

希望那会帮助你了解到埃斯梅和卡莱尔这段关系的形成是多么得迅速和理所当然。Hopefully that gives you some insight into how quickly and easily Esme and Carlisle's relationship formed.

埃斯美和卡莱尔都向我无声地道了晚安。我发现他们也不断偷瞥他们过于安静的儿子,和我一样频繁。Esme and Carlisle both said a quiet goodnight . I could see them stealing quick glances at their impassive son, much like I was.

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我想说的是,艾思慕要成为了班上的明星,去参加奥林匹克运动会或类式的赛事,那就奇迹真的发生了,但这纯粹是幻想。I'd like to say that a miracle happened—that Esme became the star of the class and went on to the Olympics, or some such thing, but that would be sheer fantasy.