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葬礼意义重大Burial is very critical.

来看“家冢“吧。Look at "Home Burial" here.

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和印地安古坟场上?And an ancient Indian burial ground?

背部着地滑行,以降低被埋深度。Backstroke to decrease burial depth.

天葬是不允许观看的。Celestial burial is not to be watched.

他被装进了美国海军的埋葬袋里。He was placed in a US Navy burial bag.

生命是一场华丽的礼葬。Life is a sumptuous funeral and burial.

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亚伯拉罕想要买哪块地作为墓地?What burial site did Abraham want to buy?

在举行葬礼以前尸体被放在棺材里。The body was placed in bier before burial.

这难道就是耶稣的裹尸布?Could this be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ?

不过交了罚款后,这些坟地可以变成合法。However, a fine can make such burial sites legal.

海葬的具体地点并未透露。The exact location of the burial was not revealed.

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当一个乞丐去世,他们常为其天葬。When beggars die, they often pay for their burial.

将这里作为木乃伊的墓室是在合适不过了。a mummy's burial chamber is even recreated inside.

那是大污染,而土埋是生态友好的。It is a big pollution where burial is eco-friendly.

大部分天葬师都是酒鬼。Most of the celestial burial masters are alcoholic.

“回煞”是中国一种传统葬俗信仰。Huisha is the a tradition belief of burial in China.

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南京中山陵是中国民主革命的先驱孙中山先生的陵墓。The Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, a burial site of Dr.

财福寿何解死无葬身之地?。Choi Fook Sau What makes us lacking in land of burial?

一可疑人物在武器埋藏地附近被逮捕。In the arms of a suspect was arrested near the burial.