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你这只恶狼。You bad wolf.

你是个色狼。You are a wolf.

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狼发出哀叫声。The wolf whined.

一只藏在窝里的狼。A wolf in its lair.

与狼共舞吧!And the Wolf dance!

那只狼也叫了一声。The wolf cried back.

狼群是什么?What is a wolf pack?

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你是一只大野狼。You are only a wolf.

你,你是一只大灰狼。You, you are a wolf.

这就是我,红太狼。This is me, Red Wolf.

但是有没有狼。But there was no wolf.

不,不,你是大灰狼。No, no! You are a wolf.

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晚上好,沃尔夫先生!Guten Abend, Herr Wolf !

说完狼就走开了。Then the wolf went away.

哇!我都不知道我是这么的大!The wolf was knocked out.

你是一只羊或狼?Are you a sheep or a Wolf?

吃东西不要狼吞虎。Don't wolf down your food.

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笨狼好狼狈。Stupid Wolf good pathetic.

拧狼耳,即骑虎难下。He holds a wolf by the ears.

他家的羊都被狼给吃了。His sheep are eaten by wolf.