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可是,有把握的你却看到我的犹豫。But unexpectedly, you only saw the hesitance.

“我仍是个学生,我将永远是个学生,”他毫不迟疑的承认。I will always be a student, " he admitted, without hesitance."

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没有恐惧,没有犹豫,只是我不再需要保护壳而已。There was no fear, no hesitance. It was simply no longer needed.

在这种特定的社会,触摸彼此总是让人犹豫不决。In this society in particular, there is a hesitance to touch one another.

中国人一般在谈及死亡的时候有很多顾忌。The Chinese actually have a great hesitance in general to face death as it is.

仅仅是在失去凯蒂布丽尔之后我才能看到我犹豫的愚蠢。And only in losing Catti-brie did I come to see the foolishness of my hesitance.

犹豫和拒绝的心态将会是赫然醒目的,消极的信号。Hesitance and a nay-saying mentality will be asvisible as a red tie and seen as a negative.

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严惩这些罪犯,不要犹豫。中国要用起法律。Put such criminals on any possibly severe penalty, no hesitance. China must be ruled in law.

而就像美国一样,消费者在花钱上踌躇不前的态度可能将延缓经济的复苏。And just like in the U. S. , consumers' new hesitance to spend might delay the economy's recovery.

你发现自己羞于或不愿建立使你不能得到生活以外你最想得到的限制?Do you find shyness or hesitance creates limits that keep you from getting what you most want out of life?

亚里士多德极为冷淡,他对时局演变持保留态度的主因,可能是因为,自己对雅典的陌生感。Aristotle's extreme reluctance, his hesitance to speak to the issues of his time, are perhaps the result of his foreignness to Athens.

他提到,校方“会在该让学生对其行为负责之际犹豫不决”——不论后者是犯了罪,还是违反了常常“颇为可笑的大学里的道义规定”。He noted a "hesitance to hold students accountable for their behavior, " be it criminal or a violation of what is too frequently a "laughable university honor code.

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这些方法看起来有很多工作要做,但是请意识到对自己审视的犹豫不绝与对阻碍你前进的恐惧感的犹豫不决是一样的。Again, these exercises might seem to be a lot of work – but please realise that a hesitance to journal and investigate yourself is the same hesitance that holds you back for your fear.

此举被认为是为了缓和美国最近对巴基斯坦边境一侧发动军事袭击以及不满巴基斯坦在打击激进分子上行动迟缓所引发的紧张关系。The offer is seen as part of an effort to ease tension over U.S. military strikes recently on the Pakistan side of the border, and U.S. impatience with Pakistan's hesitance to fight insurgents.