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我过去远射都是打飞机的。I was skying them over previously.

您的以往的主修科目是甚麽?。What is your major study previously?

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您这段感到比之前更容易疲乏吗?。Do you feel more tired thn previously?

周一以前,一经下过雪了。It had previously snowed before Monday.

蒂萨迪的作用是以前报告。Sadiq's role was previously unreported.

你先前知道我来自于伊朗王国。You previously know that I am from Iran.

之前帕切科在安菲尔德身穿的47号。Pacheco previously held No. 47 at Anfield.

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据称他先前是郑的保镳。It said he previously was Jung's bodyguard.

以前亚洲是没有这种纪录的。There had previously been no record of such.

我们先前讨论了内置操作。We discussed the built-in action previously.

他曾管理过该公司的旗舰品牌。He had previously managed its flagship brand.

但是此前他并没有说任何类似的话。But previously he hadn't said anything like that.

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先前他亮显地妒忌我的胜利。Previously he was acutely appetent of my success.

以前我幼稚的可怜,现在成熟的可悲。Previously my childish, poor now mature pathetic.

破坏曾大获成功的商业模式。to destroy a previously successful business model

你在到这儿来以前,曾遇到过他吗?Did you ever meet him previously to coming hither?

之前德桑蒂斯主哨过一场切尔西的赛事。De Santis has previously refereed one Chelsea game.

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他本年已楬橥了三篇论文。He has previously published three papers this year.

粘贴先前复制或剪切的剪贴板内容。Pastes previously copied or cut clipboard contents.

这部电影里的明星以前是个默默无闻的演员。The star of the film is a previously unknown actor.