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这是一次漫长的系列赛。This is a long series.

吉汽的企业系列。JAC s enterprise series.

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这个系列有两部分。This is a two-part series.

HJK系列有三种产品。HJK series of three products.

衷心希望你能喜欢这个系列的文章。I hope you enjoy this series.

看哈利波特系列小说。Read the Harry Potter series.

他做了一系列的实验。He did a series of experiments.

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历史仍然才只写到第一卷。History is still on Series One.

将级数类型添加到图表Add the series type to the chart

伊娃演奏过的泛音列Eva played this overtone series.

我们是否应该了解泰勒级数?Do we have to know Taylor series?

第一个是串联的可逆反应。First one is a series reversible.

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本书属于Addison-Wesley出版的"敏捷软件开发"系列之一Agile Software Development" Series

他客串了一个电视系列剧。He guested on a television series.

自己编的梦算不算梦呢?Own series of dreams count dreams?

现在在季后赛的一个系列赛里选?乔治。Right now in a playoff series? PG.

欢迎使用东方红系列柴油机!Welcome to use YTO series engines !

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我们取得了一连串的大丰收。We’ve got a series of good harvest.

或者杰克逊是一个新“成三”事件的1号?Or is Jackson No. 1 in a new series?

沈希六月免费教你煲靓汤。Soup Making Lesson FOC, June Series.