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他们采用西式的婚礼。They had a western wedding.

我想播的是一部西部片。I think there's a Western on.

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哇,果然好洋气呢!Wow, really good Western style!

那给我来西式早餐吧,双份。And the western style breakfast?

西澳州盗窃的法律。Theft laws in Western Australia.

欧洲也已吃饱喝足。Western Europe seems sated, too.

我只是个被娇惯坏了的西方人,一个没有主见的人。I am just a pampered Western wuss.

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我最拿手的还是西洋乐器。I'm better at Western instruments.

卡利是哥伦比亚西部城市。Cali is a city of western Colombia.

它是公历什么时候呀?When is it on the Western calendar?

右为西方世界阿弥陀佛。Right is Western world Amida Buddha.

这是一部经典的西片。The film is a classic western movie.

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我们左边是西方文化区。We have western culture on the left.

欢迎来咱们西餐厅。Welcoming to our western restaurant.

最佳西方深圳富临大酒店。Best Western Shenzhen Felicity Hotel.

但西方的很多忧虑是荒谬的。But many Western concerns are absurd.

只有演西部片的时候我才看。I only watch when there's western on.

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希捷或西数硬盘驱动器?。Seagate or Western Digital Hard Drive?

指的是中部平原以西的部分。The western part of the central plain.

对着西方天空里玫瑰色的云彩。To the rosy clouds in the western sky.