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朱利安·阿桑奇也是一个革新者。Julian Assange is also an innovator.

美国作为技术创新者有巨大的优势。America has huge advantages as an innovator.

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三星电子想被看做一个创新者。Samsung Electronics wants to be seen as an innovator.

一位创新者将三种优质产品合成为一项新的服务。An innovator combines three good products into a new service.

2000年初,黄齐因一个偶然机会而成为创新者。In early 2000, Huynh somewhat accidentally became an innovator.

谷歌在创新公司排名中位列前茅的原因也显而易见。It is also easy to see why Google rates so highly as an innovator.

最温暖的话语中也有来自同为科技业创新者的比尔盖兹。Some of the warmest words came from fellow tech innovator Bill Gates.

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强势和急躁是盖茨作为革新者的两个商标。Inevitability and temperament are two hallmarks of Gates the innovator.

势不可当和喜怒无常是革新者盖茨的两大标志。Inevitability and temperament are two hallmarks of Gates the innovator.

自1996年以来,这是一个开拓者和预缴系统的全球移动创新。Since 1996, it was a pioneer and global innovator of cellular prepayment systems.

举例来说,中国正在实现从模仿者到真正创新者的转型。China, for instance, has been evolving from being an imitator to a real innovator.

他是公司核心的革新者和企业家,这个头衔非常适合他。He’s an innovator and entrepreneur to the core, and this role suits him perfectly.

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马思科本打算来,可是因为要在芝加哥接受一个年度改革家的颁奖来不了。Musk wanted to come, but he's in Chicago to receive an "innovator of the year" award.

另外雅虎早已失去了一流创新公司的地位,它的股市表现也一蹶不振。The company has long ceased to be seen as a top innovator and its stock has languished.

作为一名创新者,他冒着巨大的风险进行巨大的创新,并把他的行业推向前进。As an innovator he took big risks to deliver big innovations and move his industry forward.

假日是随随便便被很多人提出,但主要的创新者是索诺拉多德。The holiday was considered casually by many people, but the main innovator was Sonora Dodd.

而戈达德的成就则建立在17世纪火炮革新家波兰人卡齐米日·希敏诺维奇的工作成果基础之上。Goddard built on the work of 17th century artillery innovator Kazimierz Siemienowicz, a Pole.

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答案不仅对该国的汽车工业很重要,对于其未来作为创新者的称号也十分重要。The answer matters not only to the industry but also to the country’s future as an innovator.

第一次世界大战期间,美国联邦政府在实施管理经济手段方面敢于创新。World War I saw the federal government as a prolific innovator of non-market control devices.

但一再出现的科学造假丑闻使中国作为创新者的声誉持续受损。But repeated scientific fraud scandals continue to bedevil China's reputation as an innovator.