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CTVL是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段。CTVL is a good complementary method of laryngoscopy.

有位朋友最近做了喉镜检查。I have a friend who recently underwent a laryngoscopy.

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方法采用调查表对本市经商人员进行耳鼻咽喉科检查。Methods The epidemiological questionary and examination of indirect laryngoscopy were used.

结论CT仿真内窥镜是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段,具有一定的发展潜力。Conclusion CT virtual laryngoscopy is a good complemental method of fiber optic laryngoscopy.

如果声音嘶哑一直在持续或是病因不明确,医生应该进行喉镜检查。If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy.

目的探讨支撑喉镜下声带外展术对声带麻痹的疗效。To investigate the value of vocal fold abduction for bilateral vocal cord paralysis through the suspension laryngoscopy.

目的总结支撑喉镜联合鼻内窥镜治疗声带病变的护理要点。Objective To sum up the main nursing points of vocal cord treated with supportive laryngoscopy in combination with nasal endoscopy.

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特别严重时,可以导致牙关紧闭、开口困难,导致喉镜操作和插管困难。In extreme cases this can result in trismus and in difficulty opening the mouth for direct laryngoscopy and intubation of the trachea.

比较常频通气与高频通气在支撑喉镜手术前应用效果。ObjectiveTo compare the effect of the normal frequency jet ventilation with the high frequency jet ventilation in suspension laryngoscopy.

方法对义乌市城区及农村部分小学教师采用自制的“小学教师嗓音保健调查表”进行问卷调查及耳鼻咽喉专科检查。Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey 1027 primary school teachers in Yiwu, and medical examination was conducted with laryngoscopy and gastroscopy.

大剂量不仅产生意识丧失,也使得插管和置入喉镜时血压、心率反应有效地被抑制。High doses of these analgesics not only produce loss of consciousness, they effectively blunt the blood pressure and heart rate responses to laryngoscopy and intubation.

坐姿插管会改变患者与麻醉医师之间的相对位置,相对于传统插管,其显示的影像是相反的。The sitting position also changes the position of performing anesthesiologist relative to the patient, presenting an inverse view contrary to that of traditional laryngoscopy.

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结论高频超声对喉癌分期的准确性高于纤维喉镜和CT检查,高频超声检查对喉癌治疗方案的选择和预后的判断有重要参考价值。Conclusions High frequency ultrasonography is superior to CT and laryngoscopy in the staging of laryngeal carcinoma and is of great value in choosing the therapeutical protocol.

喉镜示喉咽部黏膜充血,侵袭部位黏膜苍白水肿,可见散在虫蚀状溃疡,声带活动度减弱或固定。Laryngoscopy showed laryngeal mucosal hyperemia, mucosa pale and edema in invaded sites with sporadic worm-eaten ulceration, weakened mobility of vocal cords or vocal cord immobility.

显示喉内病变的位置、范围与纤维喉镜所见类似,还可从足端入路观察到喉镜所看不到的狭窄远端和声门下区情况。In addition, CT virtual laryngoscopy revealed the structure of subglottic region and distal portion of strictured airway from feet to head, which were not available in actual laryngoscopy.