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这也是耶稣,耶稣秉承了这种丰富而具有预言性的犹太传统。What Jesus called, That rich prophetic Judaic tradition that Jesus flows out of.

犹太教的一些戒律具有养生保健作用。Some Judaic disciplines possessed the function of life nourishment and health care.

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同时对犹太人的生活方式以及犹太思想文化也产生了深刻的影响。Meanwhile, it exerts important influences on both the Judaic fife style and the Jewish culture.

同时对犹太人的生活方式以及犹太思想文化也产生了深刻的影响。Meanwhile, it exerts important influences on both the Judaic life style and the Jewish culture.

可以是世俗的形态,也可以是基督教的形态,犹太教的形态,印度教的形态等等。It can take a secular form, take a Christian form, Judaic form, Hindu Form, with Gandhi and so forth.

贯穿历史始终,犹太教的教义和传统都强调了遮盖头发和端庄服饰的重要性。Judaic doctrines and traditions have emphasized the covering of hair and modest dress throughout history.

犹太教在希伯来医学的发展中打下了深刻的烙印。It is safe to say that the Judaic religion played an important role in the development of Hebrew medicine.

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现代西方文明的基本理念,在相当程度上应当看作是犹太智慧的结晶。In a word, those basic notions of modern Western civilization ought to be regarded as the highlight of Judaic wisdom.

二十世纪初,为了逃避战火,一个犹太家族的四个兄弟都来到了美国则各充满梦想的希望乐土。At the beginning of 20 centuries, to flee flames of war, a hope that 4 Judaic and familial brother came the United States fill a dream each is Elysian.

评论曾指出大卫显然未曾受过割礼,这是和犹太条规相违背的,但是这却很符合文艺复兴时期艺术品的惯例。Commentators have noted David’s apparently uncircumcised form, which is at odds with Judaic practice, but is considered consistent with the conventions of Renaissance art.