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宽恕还有正当性限度。In addition, forgiveness has the limitation of justifiability.

但医疗行为的正当性具有严格的条件限制。But the justifiability of medical treatment has been limit in strict condition.

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欲望的适度与正当构成其价值合理性的基础。Moderation and justifiability of desire are the basis of its value rationality.

在论文的第二部分,就非职务使用盗窃行为犯罪化的正当性展开分析。The author analyzes the justifiability of criminalization of non-duty using theft act.

第二部分主要探讨了推定的承诺的正当化根据。The second part mainly discusses the basis of justifiability of the presumptive consent.

第二章提出反垄断法规制知识产权滥用的正当性命题。Chapter two discusses the justifiability of Antimonopoly regulatory law for abuse of IPRs.

它具有权威性、规范性、稳定性、可诉性和现实性的特点。The statues have the features of authority, standard, stability, justifiability and practicality.

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最后,文章对我国现行减刑制度的正当性进行了认真反思。In the end, the author made a discussion about the justifiability of the current commutation system.

在这个部分,我们探讨了农民工劳动权利保护的正当性。The chapter is to discuss the justifiability of the labor rights protection for the off-farm workers.

第三章从法哲学的角度,阐述了商业方法专利的正当性。The Chapter Three states the justifiability of business method patent from perspective of law philosophy.

因而,应采取适宜措施,在实践中加强“暂缓不起诉”制度正当性与合法性的整合。Therefore, due measures should be taken in practice to integrate the legitimacy and justifiability of the Deferred Prosecution.

倘若可以无限制地用私权形式保护任何知识财产,反不正当竞争法在知识财产保护领域就没有多少发挥作用的余地。The source of using unfair competition law to protect intellectual property is the limited justifiability of private right protection mode.

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健全权威政策民主观的关键在于正当性,健全参与政策民主观的关键在于开放性。The key point of improving authority democracy theory is justifiability , and the openness is vital to improving participatory democracy theory.

只有社会合理性与社会合情性的良性运行,才能使人性化的社会发展成为可能。Only through a sound operation of social reasonableness and social justifiability can society make its development possible towards a people-oriented way.

现代各国刑法理论通常将其作为犯罪阻却事由,特别是阻却违法的正当化事由之一来处理。Modern criminal law theories in every country usually regard it as condition of preventing criminality, especially as justifiability of eliminating misfeasance.

关于死刑废止问题古今中外刑法学者们从多角度对其正当性进行了探讨。The ancient and modern criminal scholars in China and foreign countries have discussed the justifiability of abolishing death penalty from various perspectives.

公共选择理论的个人主义分析方法、经济人假设和交易的政治观,动摇了国家干预经济的正当性,对经济法构成了严重挑战。The individualism and the hypothesis of economic man, as well as exchange-like politics, fluctuate the justifiability of government-intervening economy, seriously challenge the economic law.

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公众主体性与司法正当性是进行民主法治建设和构建和谐社会都必须正确面对和科学运用的基础性论题。Public subjectivity and justifiability of justice are fundamental issues that both the establishment of democracy and ruling of law and the construction of harmonious society have to deal with.

作为当代新自由主义者的罗尔斯和古典自由主义者的诺奇克都旨在为现代社会提供一种更为公平合理的社会发展方案。Both Rawls, a contemporary representative of new liberalism, and Nozick, that of classical liberalism, hope to provide a better framework of fairness and justifiability for contemporary society.

法院在诉讼中之所以必须审查行政立法,不仅是由于议会审查和行政审查存在着缺陷,而且也是由于司法权的特点决定的。The justifiability for the court to enjoy the power of judicial review is not only because of the defeat in the legislative or administrative review, but determined by the features of judicial power.