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那是违反常规的。That’s very unconventional.

她们反对改变非传统的道德基准。They were opposed to change unconventional moral grounds.

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煤层气是另一种非传统天然气资源。Coal-seam gas is another form of unconventional gas supply.

一个非常规的方法就是稍稍使用一下粗语咒骂。One unconventional way is by using a little light swearing.

他们说你的笑容,又漂亮又落拓。They say your smile, very beautiful and very unconventional.

这种非传统家庭在克兰福德很常见。This unconventional family is typical of Gaskell's Cranford.

他们完全可以开跑,逃脱的。可是这反倒成了不正常。They could have run and escaped, but it seemed, well, unconventional.

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你甚至可以尝试一下一些特别的涮品,譬如薯片。You could even try some more unconventional dippers, like potato chips.

但是你可能要用一些非传统方法来查出真相。But you may have to use some unconventional methods to find out the truth.

本店与本条街的成衣店相比较有很独特的地方。Street restaurant with this unconventional compared have very unique place.

他性格孤傲,倜傥不群,是一个胸有大志的人。An ambitious person, he was aloof and arrogant, unconventional and unsociable.

整个设计表现文化地传承而新奇别致。Entire design embodies the culture Smriti but the originality is unconventional.

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突破传统的战术似乎是克敌制胜的关键,比如利用不常用的英雄。Unconventional strategies seem to be the key to success for lesser known heroes.

伊万尼克因其一丝不苟的执行力和跳跃性思维而名声卓著。Ewanick built his reputation on meticulous execution and unconventional thinking.

因为任何时候,过分的煽情都会导致矫情。For anytime, being over sensational will lead to being affectedly unconventional.

据一个认识桑尼的朋友回忆,“他想做一些不符合传统的东西。A friend who knew Sonny then recalled that "he wanted to do unconventional things.

所以我们将处置包括非常规性武器袭击在内的所有事态。So we are going to conduct all kind of scenarios including unconventional weapons.

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是指喜欢艺术且生活方式异于常人的人。A bohemian is a person who is interested in art and lives an unconventional lifestyle.

一款应用软件的设计越是反常规,存在应用问题的可能性就越大。The more unconventional a design is, the more likely it is to have usability problems.

桥塞-射孔联作技术是非常规储层使用最多的增产技术。Plug and Perforate is the number one stimulation technique used in unconventional reservoirs.