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他的精神可佩。His spirit is admirable.

秋天是极好的节令。Autumn is a admirable division.

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贝顿是个令人钦佩的人物。Beyton is an admirable character.

这确是一张令人激赏的脸。It is indeed an admirable face-object.

她对工作的奉献精神可钦可佩。Her dedication to her work was admirable.

怀小牛的小母牛最适合这项工作。In-calf heifers are admirable for this work.

这个剧院的音响效果很好。The acoustics of this theater are admirable.

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他以令人敬佩的努力抑制自己的感情。He made an admirable effort to muffle his feelings.

勃罗卡角是数学的一个经典,令人叹为观止。Brocard angle is an admirable classic in mathematics.

再没有比风韵犹存的女人更值得赞赏的了。There is nothing more admirable than a handsome woman.

当代了不起的学者怎麽会是个软脚兔呢?How can an admirable contemporary scholar be a weakling?

每个人都潜藏着令人敬仰的潜力。There are admirable potentialities in every human being.

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Mankell有着犀利的本能评论社会问题,这还是令人佩服的。Mankell’s fierce instinct for social criticism is admirable.

这是一个令人钦佩的目标,我非常赞同。This is an admirable goal, and one I wholeheartedly endorse.

我从不具有令人羡慕的殖民地特性-诙谐的幽默。I never acquired that admirable colonial quality-good humour.

中国经济发展成绩斐然,令人钦佩。The remarkable achievements of Chinese economy are admirable.

他没有盲从别人的信仰,这是值得敬佩的。He didn't live off other people's faith, and that is admirable.

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2011年11月13日真是一个很殊胜的日子,天气晴朗。November 13, 2011 was really an admirable day and it was sunny.

去年我有一位可钦佩的译员伯尔斯少校。I had my admirable interpreter of the previous year Major Birse.

白求恩大夫的国际主义精神十分可佩。Doctor Bethune's internationalist spirit is altogether admirable.