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但它和结构主义,有一个共同的理论倾向。It shares, however, with structuralism a theoretical predisposition.

但他没有表示出将很快加息的倾向。But he did not indicate a predisposition to raise interest rates soon.

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罗萨莱斯博士列举了增加帕金森病易感性的环境风险。Dr. Rosales lists environmental risks that increase predisposition to PD.

他们推测这可能表示易于情绪高涨或躁狂的体质。This might indicate a predisposition to elevated mood and mania, they speculate.

我们这种相信存在着一个超自然世界的固有倾向将一直伴随我们到终老。Our predisposition to believe in a supernatural world stays with us as we get older.

我们易受伤害的体质要求我们尽可能的对周围发生的事情保持敏感。Our predisposition is to be aware of as much of what's going on around us as possible.

其可能的成因包括基因造成的性格倾向、生活经历以及其他因素。Probable causes range from genetic predisposition to life experiences and other factors.

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我们发现,抑郁的偏头痛患者有遗传素质。We found that there is a genetic predisposition by people with migraines to be depressed.

当然有一些倾向性。There is certainly some predisposition to wellbeing, based on the research I've looked at.

也许音高辨别力的基因素因在亚洲人中更加普遍。Perhaps a genetic predisposition for absolute pitch is more common among Asian populations.

因为幻觉看起来体弱多病的家族成员经常被训练为幻术师。Members of the house who show a predisposition for illusion are often trained as phantasmists.

对严重为害仙客来的萎凋病进行病原菌分离纯化,并进行致病性测定。Isolation of pathogenetic fungi of cyclamen stem wilt have been done and predisposition tested.

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显然是某种因素引发了这种风险,看上去这很可能是一种遗传倾向。Obviously something is priming the risk, and it looks like that may be a genetic predisposition.

开业的法医学家对辩方有一种固有的偏爱或倾向。A practicing forensic scientist has a built-in bias or predisposition toward the prosecution's side.

我们推测种系变异可促进MPN易感及表型多向性。We hypothesized that germline variation contributes to MPN predisposition and phenotypic pleiotropy.

这是因为他们遗传了让他们倾向于累积脂肪的基因。That's because they have inherited genes that increase their predisposition for accumulating body fat.

以为设计教育者认为某些特质使其沿着路线走向艺术设计。One design educator argues that some predisposition is evident in a individual route into art and design.

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季节转换和饲草料结构的变化是本病发生的主要诱因。The main predisposition of occurrence of this disease lies in the seasonal changes and forage conversion.

这项研究表明,有些疾病是遗传基因易感性和病毒感染的共同作用引发的。The research shows that some illnesses may require a combination of genetic predisposition and infection.

该基因多态性会导致所编码蛋白发生改变,从而影响DNA修复,可能引起肿瘤的易感性。Polymorphisms in the XRCC1 gene may lead to variation in DNA repairing and confer predisposition to cancer.