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我整理一下飞行座椅然后坐了上去。I preflight the seat and hop in.

机组人员又复习了一遍飞行前的程序。The crew ran through the preflight procedures.

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飞机不会反对你做飞行前检讨。Airplanes don't object to a preflight inspection.

飞机不会反对你做飞行前检查…Airplanes don't object apt a preflight inspection.

控制中心正在安排新传感器飞行前的测试。The control room was orchestrating the preflight test on the new sensor.

天气状况变幻莫测,使得飞行前的天气信息失去时效。Weather conditions can change quickly, making preflight briefings obsolete.

我打开飞行准备的各个开关,插入数据传输卡,并启动发动机。I preflight my switches, insert the data transfer card, and start the engine.

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发射升空前,乘客们将被要求进行一为期两天的飞行前凖备。Travelers will be required to undergo just two days of preflight preparation.

进行射前准备的最后确认。所有部门,做最后一次检查确认。Space Center Staff Final preflight check. All stations, go over everything one last time.

今天在起飞前作检查时,我发现飞机下面有一滩水。Today, during an early morning preflight check, I spotted liquid pooling under the aircraft.

在C-130J的飞行准备活动中对这些信息进行规划使得这样的调整变得容易。Programming this information during preflight operations in the C-130J made such adjustments easy.

支柱的断裂大多出现在最大载荷的时候诸如飞机后部加油时或在起飞前的滑跑过程中。Truck fractures most often occur at maximum ground loads such as after fueling or during preflight taxi.

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机组人员又复习了一遍飞行前的程序。在法庭上出示之前,我们先过目一下见证人的证词。The crew ran through the preflight procedures. We ran through the witness's testimony before presenting it in court.

飞行前的准备工作——这部分工作是在地面完成的,包括飞机的检修,飞机从登机口拖出来并驶往跑道。Preflight -This portion of the flight starts on the ground and includes flight checks, push-back from the gate and taxi to the runway.

本文首先对基于栅格法和人工势场法思想的离线航迹规划算法进行了研究。Firstly, the research of this paper is focus on preflight global planning algorithm based on cell decomposition methods and artificial potential field methods.

因此未来若欲进行流量管理,如何取得即时且精确之飞航资料,尤其是起飞前之航机资讯,将是一重要课题。A flow control system is still needed in the future, thus how to obtain real time and accurate flight data especially for preflight information will be an important task.

预飞培训中的几个关键点之一就是要确保乘客对失重有充分的准备,是的,就算太过兴奋也不合格。One of the many important aspects of preflight training will be to make sure that passengers are fully prepared for weightlessness, indeed, perhaps not even too excited about it.

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一名队长站在了舷梯边上,其它人则跟着我围绕飞机进行检查,在执行任务之前每一名猛禽飞行员都要进行相同的起飞前检查。One crew chief stands next to the ladder as the other follows me while I'm performing my walk around the jet, the same preflight checks that any Raptor pilot would do prior to a mission.

如果你有某种慢性病,瑟伦塞特网站的作者建议做一个飞行前的医学评估,决定飞行对你是否安全以及如果你确实需要飞行应当采取什么预防措施。If you have a chronic health problem, the Lancet authors suggest a preflight medical assessment to determine whether it is safe for you to fly and what precautions you should take if you do fly.