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贮存于干燥通风处。Store in a dry ventilated place.

这个房子的通风不好。This house is poorly ventilated.

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使用了高透气性的立体网状椅垫。High ventilated mesh seat is used.

仅在通风良好的场所使用。S51 Use only in well ventilated areas.

放在通风处晾干,不可放入干燥机中。Airing is under ventilated place, drying machine is not allowed.

直立储藏于避光阴凉通风处。Bottle upright, away from the light, in a cool ventilated place.

衬片应贮存在通风干燥、地面平坦的室内。Linings should be stored in ventilated dry, flat interior floor.

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公寓与机械通气的双重转变病毒性心肌炎。The apartments are mechanically ventilated with a double shift VMC.

选择一个稳固、通风良好且无尘的区域放置产品。Select a sturdy, well- ventilated , dust-free area to position the product.

滑动门还允许空间的自然通风和冷却。The sliding doors also allow the space to be naturally ventilated and cooled.

危险及易燃品是否储存在安全及通风的地方?Are hazardous & combustible material stored securely in well ventilated areas?

配电箱与开关箱必须安装在干燥,通风的场所。Distribution box and switch box should be arranged in dry and ventilated place.

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如果通风不当,它们的镇流器电路会火烫到失效。If not ventilated properly, their ballast circuitry can get fried enough to fail.

在常温、干燥通风处密封保存,避免阳光照射。Storage in a dry, ventilated place under normal temperature. Avoid direct sun exposure.

它们帮助分解有机物,其洞穴还能使土壤保持排水和通风。They help decompose organic matter, and their burrows keep soil drained and ventilated.

存放橡胶制品的室内应保持清凉,干燥,无尘,通风良好。The room for storage of rubber products should be cool, dry, dust-free and well ventilated.

太热的话而通风也不好的情况下,房间的空气会变得很干燥,因此,你的眼睛也会变得很干。When it's too hot in an improperly ventilated room, the air becomes dry, and so do our eyes.

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灰泥也可以使用,但是和泥炭土相比,通风性能稍有不足。Compost could also be used, but with the disadvantage of being less ventilated than the peat.

存放橡胶制品的室内应保持清凉,干燥,无尘,通风良好。The storage room for rubber-made products should be cool, dry, free of dust and well ventilated.

若仪器放置不用时,请用防尘罩盖好,置于干燥、通风的安全之处。Put dustproof cover on the machine and keep it in a dry and ventilated place when it is not used.