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监察部网站发布公告,公布国家预防腐败局网站正式开通。Censorial ministry website issues announcement, announce the country prevents corrupt bureau website to debut formally.

昨日,鞍山市公安局网络监察支队向记者介绍了整个案情。Yesterday, network of public security bureau of saddle hill city is censorial detachment introduced whole details of a case to the reporter.

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纵观唐代考课制度,无论从考课标准的规定方面,还是从考课程序的设计方面,都有一条显而易见的主线,这就是“严格治吏”的治国方略。Survey the Censorial System of Tang dynasty, whether on the standard or the procedure, there is a basic thought of administrating the governors strictly.

玩家用这些点卡进行游戏、购买游戏当中虚拟道具、进行二次交易等,游戏公司是难以监察和控制的。The player has game with these spot check, buy game in the center fictitious prop, undertake 2 times trading waiting, game company is hard censorial with pilot.

为弄清5封邮件的真实性,法院请求市公安局信息网络安全监察处进行核实。To make clear the authenticity of 5 mail, network of information of public security bureau of forensic request city is safe censorial place undertakes checking.

对涉嫌违纪违法的,及时移交纪检监察机关和司法机关依纪依法惩处。Break the law to be suspected of violating discipline, deliver discipline check in time censorial mechanism and judiciary penalize lawfully according to discipline.

并以其“穷尽方法”、“细节方法”和“审查方法”为法律和道德的哲学证成提供了新的方法。In addition, Bentham explored some new methods for justifying the legal and moral philosophy, including the "exhaustive method", "method of details" and "censorial method".

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同时,加强监察,交易所有一整套监控买卖行为的制度,派专门人员负责这项工作。In the meantime, strengthen censorial , bourse has the system of conduct of business of monitoring of one a complete set of, send technical staff to be in charge of this job.

利用动力学分析法建立了偏心振动式排种系统质心位移和绕质心转动角位移的微分方程。The differential equations of the censorial moving and running relative to censorial of the eccentric vibration seed-metering system were set up with the dynamic analysis method.

由于根治切除仍有相当高的复发率,故术后宜定期复查AFP及超声显象以监察复发。Because effect a radical cure excision still has quite high recrudesce rate, the appropriate after reason art checks regularly AFP and supersonic show an elephant with censorial recrudesce.

总而言之,近年来中国政府的审查机构不像吃人的老虎或喷火的巨龙,而是更像屋子中间的大枝形吊灯里趴著的一条巨蟒。In sum, the Chinese government's censorial authority in recent times has resembled not so much a man-eating tiger or fire-snorting dragon as a giant anaconda coiled in an overhead chandelier.

此前,淘宝采用的方式是不断细化商品的类目,来满足买家找寻商品以及平台监察商品的需要。Before this, cleaning out the means that treasure uses is kind of eye that refines commodity ceaselessly, will satisfy buy the home to search commodity and platform the need of censorial commodity.

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华闻传媒会计活动中发生的重大差错,被财政部驻海南省财政监察专员办事处责令整改。The major mistake that Hua Wen produces in medium accountant activity, be stationed in by the Ministry of finance censorial commissioner agency instructs Hainan province finance rectify and reform.