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酒杯上的指纹?Fingerprints on the wineglass?

老马的马蹄将是我们的酒杯。An old horse's hoof is to be our wineglass.

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当你举着葡萄酒杯时候,送一块烤面包给对方。Make a toast to one another every time you hold a wineglass.

如果你不想再多喝酒,那么要让你的酒杯基本看起来是接近满的。If you do not want more wine, leave your wineglass nearly full.

红酒被发现有可能有助于对抗肥胖。An aid in the fight against obesity may be found in a wineglass.

“也许吧,我们干杯怎么样?”瑞克高举酒杯。"Maybe, what if we do a toast, " said Rick holding his wineglass high.

之后他问第三个士兵,“你们可知道酒杯会是什么吗?”He said to the third, "And do you also know what your wineglass is to be?"

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拿出你最常使用的酒杯,测测看它可以盛多少酒。Pull out the highball glass or wineglass you use most often, and measure how much it holds.

他们有时候就像把果酱罐当成玻璃酒杯的餐馆老板一样妄想。They can at times be as delusional as restaurateurs who think that jam jars are the next wineglass.

他们有时和认为果酱瓶就是葡萄酒杯的餐馆老板一样神智不清。They can at times be as delusional as restaurateurs who think that jam jars are the next wineglass.

你会发现你的酒杯被倒满而不需付费,或者厨师会给你带来样菜。You’ll find your wineglass gets filled without being put on your bill, or the chef might bring you a sample.

我在州北部有个农场,“他说,向前探了点身子,拿起他的酒杯。"We have a farm upstate, " he says, leaning forward a bit, picking up his wineglass without the least bit of theater or pretense.

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露茜满怀感激地把酒杯留在了餐桌上之后坐下来喝起白水,这时人们聊天的嗡嗡声在她周围形成了一圈让人倍感舒适的烟雾。Danielle gratefully abandoned her wineglass at the table, and sat sipping water as movement and general conversation buzzed around her in a pleasant fog.

这家名为“零下5度”的冰酒吧是一个冰的世界,冰台面、冰墙壁、冰酒杯,还有冰雕作品。This is the ice world , ice mesa , ice wall and ice wineglass named as "the below zero the is 5 degrees" ice bar , and still possess the ice carving works.

她手握着葡萄酒杯,优雅的指着脚下的装饰,说道,“看看我,这儿保守,这儿保守,保守,以及这双红色单鞋”。"Look at me—it's conservative, conservative, conservative, and then the red pumps, " Tucker said, as she elegantly navigated the treacherous decking underfoot, wineglass in hand.

这种风俗流传到日本,后来,日本又将酒杯换成偶人,并用棉花将偶人包起,擦拭人体,然后让其顺水漂走,据说这样可以免除疾病。This custom spread to Japan, and wineglass was replaced by doll. People will cover dolls with cotton, wipe the body, and then let it float downstream. It is said that this disease may be waived.

马赛赤脚工程具有一种特殊的TPU与生产,李鸿章铁心可溶性纤维或醒酒,就会坚定地孤独的方向建设。Masai Barefoot engineering are produced possessing a special TPU and decanter or wineglass soluble fiber shank, jordan shoes, Mbts Shoes, which adds firmness in the direction of the lone construction.