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亿万人民团结起来The millions be embraced.

全世界有数以百万计说过“我愿意”的新人有血缘关系。So have millions worldwide.

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紫坪铺大坝威胁百万人生命Zipingpu dam threatens millions

每年,数一百万计的人在旅游。Millions of people do each year.

千万线上玩家等你今日来战!Challenge millions of players today!

数百万工人失业。Millions of workers lost their jobs.

亿万年来我们一直在和重力抗争。Millions of years we fought gravity.

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这些亮斑的规模数以百万计。These lights number in the millions.

数百万人饮水困难。Millions lack adequate drinking water.

还有数百万人受伤或致残。Millions more are injured or disabled.

我国亿万人民同你们站在一起。Millions of our citizens stand with you.

消息传来,万众欢腾。Millions of people rejoiced at the news.

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更多的人将来也同样这样。And millions more will doso in the future.

数百万儿童仍然失学。Millions of children are still unschooled.

百万生齿能否紧要撤离?Millions of mesiodens can matter evacuate?

没有太多的给那些数百万无家可归的人。Not too many for the millions of homeless.

在灾荒中,千百万的人就这样死了。Millions of people died that way in famine.

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其他世纪都延续了上亿年。Other epochs have lasted millions of years.

那个学生每年都能赚几百万美元。The student was making millions every year.

维拉斯克兹的TED演讲拥有好几百万的浏览量。Velasquez's TED Talk has millions of views.