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可贾萨姆是个什叶派穆斯林。Jassam is a Shi'ite Muslim.

然而,31岁侯赛因是一位穆斯林。Mr Hussin, 31, is a Muslim.

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批评人士在总统竞选期间曾经利用奥巴马的父亲是穆斯林这一点来攻击他。Barack Obama's father was a Muslim.

我是一个有着穆斯林灵魂的美国人。I am an American with a Muslim soul.

额手礼是穆斯林的问候方式。Salaam is a Muslim form of salutation.

桐庐有没有清真饭店啊?Do Tong Lu county have the Muslim hotel?

阿勒颇大清真寺里做礼拜的穆斯林祈祷者。Salah Muslim prayer, Aleppo Great Mosque.

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中国人,欢迎你们来到穆斯林的疯狂世界!Chinee, welcome to the muslim insanity world!

1375年它被穆斯林的马木路克人征服。It was conquered by the Muslim Mamluks in 1375.

当开关门时,会发出穆斯林音乐的门铃。When you open the door, it sounds muslim music.

我是一名穆斯林女性,出生在约克郡并在那成长。I am a Muslim woman, born and bred in Yorkshire.

“我从小在豪萨穆斯林社区,”阿里说。"I grew up in a Hausa Muslim community, " says Ali.

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在俄国,他们和非穆斯林俄国人战斗。In Russia, they fight with the non- Muslim Russians.

北美伊斯兰医学协会的会员并不全都是穆斯林医生。Not all doctors who are members of IMANA are Muslim.

我在肯尼亚的一个穆斯林社区生活了很长时间。I spent a lot of time in a Muslim community in Kenya.

穆斯林把西方的忍耐当成了软弱!!!Muslim are taking Western TOLERENCE as WEAKNESS ! ! !

尔德节是穆斯林的盛大节日。The 'Id al-Fitr is a great festival of Muslim people.

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色兰问候穆斯林兄弟姐妹。Assalam alaikom greetings Muslim brothers and sisters.

有大约三分之二的美国穆斯林是移民。Roughly two-thirds of Muslim Americans are immigrants.

为何穆斯林女性要把她们的头到脚趾都遮盖起来呢?Why do Muslim women cover themselves from head to toe?