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我看看。我要一客腓力牛排。Let me see. Let me have a tenderloin steak.

对于猪肉而言,最精简的部分是腰部的嫩肉。For pork, the leanest cut is the tenderloin.

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腰肉牛排,先生,你喜欢柠檬牛油吗?Tenderloin steak, sir. Would you like lemon butter?

痢疾是种什么病?里脊呢?Dysenteric kind of what disease be? Where is tenderloin?

将牛柳落镬,用中火煎至熟透。Fry beef tenderloin in wok over medium heat until well done.

如果你愿意,可以用片状的猪肉里脊代替牛肉。If you prefer, use strips of pork tenderloin instead of beef.

猪肉的话,最好的瘦肉是腰部嫩肉和胸排上的肉。With pork, the leanest cuts are the tenderloin and loin chops.

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一次性消费满五百元赠送寿司拼盘或特级牛柳一份。The guests consume over 500yuan compliment mixed sushi or tenderloin.

煎澳洲牛柳,配煎蛋,蘑菇,焗番茄。Australian Tenderloin and Eggs served with Mushroom and Grilled Tomato.

配搭肉酱意大利面条或辣味里脊猪肉。This wine is best paired with Pasta Bolognese or spicy pork tenderloin with wilted arugula.

“我要一客烤猪里脊加苹果酱和马铃薯泥,”头一个人说。"I'll have a roast pork tenderloin with apple sauce and mashed potatoes, " the first man said.

了解如何从专业的厨师辣餐饮服务商在此免费烹饪影片去骨里脊牛排。Learn how to cook spicy boneless tenderloin steaks from a professional caterer in this free cooking video.

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香煎澳洲牛脊配松露,炒野生蘑菇,锯土豆佐佩里戈汁。Australian beef tenderloin with black truffles, sautéed wild mushrooms and dauphinois potatoes, Perigourdine sauce.

我的丈夫打算烤一些特别腌制过的整块腰肉,我则准备经典的奶油烤土豆。My husband was going to barbeque whole tenderloin in his special marinade, and I was making a classic potato gratin.

要准备牛柳牛排,你应该刷上橄榄油,然后用卡文德肉的调味春夏秋冬。To prepare a beef tenderloin steak you should brush the meat with olive oil and then season it with Cavender's seasoning.

现在消费者购买他们最爱的肋骨肉、瘦里脊肉或者多汁猪蹄时都会有抱怨。Now consumers are grumbling as they shop for their favorite chewy ribs, lean tenderloin or juicy pig's feet, known as zhu ti.

当购买肉类时,最好找有“精选”标志瘦肉,如大腿肉、里脊肉及超瘦的碎牛肉。Whenbuying meat, it's best to look for "select" grades of lean cuts liketop round and tenderloin as well as extra-lean ground beef.

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我要冷冻新鲜鱼子酱,腰肉牛排,半生熟,千岛调味拌青色拉,以及小面包和牛油。I'll have chilled fresh caviar, tenderloin steak medium rare, tossed green salad with thousand island dressing and rolls-and-butter.

但纽约早就清理了时代广场,芝加哥也净化了南环线,甚至连旧金山臭名昭著的田德隆地区都已经不再是那个样子了。New York has cleaned up Times Square, Chicago's South Loop has long since gentrified, and even San Francisco's infamous Tenderloin isn't what it used to be.

糖醋里脊以猪里脊肉为主材,配以面粉,淀粉,醋等作料,酸甜可口,外酥里嫩,让人食欲大开。Pork tenderloin is the main material. Cook with flour, starch and vinegar etc. the dish tastes sour and sweet, but also creepy outside and soft inside, which fuel people's appetite.