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我要把中国的心理测量恢复起来。I want to restore China's psychometric up.

按照汀苔的指示,昆兰对纹章使用了触物读心术。At Tinte's request, Quinlan used his psychometric abilities to read the emblem.

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学生也可以在简历和资料清单,面试和心理测验方面得到建议。Students can also receive advice on CV and cover letters, interviews and psychometric testing.

在心理测试中,三维空间形象化是和数学能力相关的。In psychometric studies, three-dimensional spatial visualization is correlated with mathematical problem-solving.

因此,该量表具有较好的信效度,可应用于中学生群体。So the results suggest that CCEI has met psychometric requirements and can be applied to high school student's sample.

我们将描述如何开发并赋范文书,并提出了一些心理特性的工具。We will describe how the instrument was developed and normed , and present some psychometric properties of the instrument.

再回到网络成瘾测验,奇怪的是很少的有效的心理测量被用到这个测试中来。Getting back to the Internet Addiction Test, there’s surprisingly few psychometric validity studies conducted on this test.

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施测于外科手术患者,结果具有较好的信度和效度,符合心理测量学的要求。After be tested in surgical patients, the reliability and validity of the scale are good and meet the psychometric standard.

本文以“健康行为问卷”为例,介绍因子分析在信度和效度评价方面的应用。A psychometric study on the "Health Behavior Questionnaire" as an example, the application of factor analysis was introduced.

克鲁普表示,通过心理智能测验,计量求职者的契合度的方法日益普遍,尤其是在欧洲地区。The use of psychometric tests to gauge a candidate's fit continues to increase in popularity, especially in Europe, Kropp says.

我们的心理测验显示我是一个十分聪明,坚定的,有恒心而且幽默的人。The results of my many psychometric tests show that I am 'extremely bright, determined, persistent and have a good sense of humour'.

对直觉常采用个案法、心理测量法、实验法和神经生理学方法进行研究。Case studies, psychometric assessments, experimental methods and neuro-physiological methods are often employed in exploring intuition.

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采用系列心理测验量表对筛选出的两个局级领导群体样本进行整体合力的心理学研究。We select two bureau-level leading groups as the samples, use series of psychometric tables to investigate the integrated power of leadership.

去银行应聘,往往要经历很多轮面试,以及长达几小时的数学和心理测试。Banks will usually put candidates through multiple rounds of rigorous interviews, as well as several hours of numerical and psychometric tests.

之后文章回顾了工作分析结果影响因素研究的新进展及新测量理论在该领域的应用。After that, the authors reviewed the studies on sources of variance in job analysis ratings and new psychometric theories used in these studies.

今天的一个报告显示,蓝筹公司由于不再相信学历正在采用心理人才测评的方法来选择大学毕业生。Blue chip companies are using psychometric personality tests to select graduate employees because they no longer trust university degrees, a report says today.

许多招聘和机构正在使用申请人跟踪系统,以执行很多的过滤任务,伴随着心理测试的软件工具。Many recruiters and agencies are using an Applicant tracking system to perform many of the filtering tasks, along with software tools for psychometric testing.

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该研究在文献研究和访谈的基础上,采用实证法编制了青少年个性素质问卷,并对其信度和效度进行了检验。On the basis of literature study and interview, we developed and validated the personality diathesis questionnaire for adolescent and its psychometric indexes.

心理测量工具很少用于治疗前后,这些工具甚至没有对于人格改变的标准指标。Our psychometric instruments do not as yet have standardized or even defined indices of personality change, having been used so rarely before and after psychotherapy.

除了心理计量的优点之外,没有过难或过易的考题也为考生节约了时间,而过难或过易的试题经常出现在固定模式的考试中。Besides the psychometric benefits, this has the added benefit of not wasting the examinee's time by administering items that are far too hard or easy, which occurs in fixed-form testing.