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猫在酒里小便的味道?Cat pee in wine?

今霄酒醒何处?From wine awake?

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是我的梅酒。It's my plum wine.

这酒陈得很好。The wine aged well.

我们有白葡萄酒。We have white wine.

我可以看看酒水单么?。May I see wine list?

什么是酒塞葡萄酒?。What is Corked Wine?

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他又闻了闻酒。Another sniff of wine.

他把酒喝干了。He drank the wine dry.

酒藏越久,其味越醇。Wine deepens on aging.

去睡一觉把酒解掉。Go sleep off your wine.

酒越陈越好。Wine improves with age.

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好酒不怕巷子深。Good wine needs no bush.

他痛饮了一杯酒。He swills a cup of wine.

他往酒里掺水。He waters down the wine.

那是一种甘旨的红酒。It was a delicious wine.

我可以看一下酒单吗?May I see the wine list?

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这个酒喝起来很浓郁。The wine is full-bodied.

他们常常沉湎于酒。They often deal on wine.

你要喝点葡萄酒吗?Will you have some wine?