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对机械触点的过流或过压的保护。Protection of a mechanical contact against overcurrent or overvoltage.

为明确起见,图中省略了过压二极管和保护电路。For clarity, the figure omits overvoltage diodes and protection circuits.

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在变电站内,开关的操作将产生瞬态过电压。In substations, Switching operation will give rise to transient overvoltage.

在一幢建筑里,我们如何防护过电压转换?In a building, how do we provide for protection against overvoltage switching?

并对实际发生的弧光接地过电压进行了分析。Analysis of grounded overvoltage through arc at field has been also carried out.

发电站操作过电压时高电压的避雷器可对其进行保护。A high-voltage surge arrester protects the electric station from switching overvoltage.

一个简单的电路断路器提供精密过压和过流保护。A simple circuit breaker delivers precision overvoltage protection and overcurrent protection.

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随着配电网中采用的电缆线路的增多,弧光接地过电压问题日益突出。With the increase of used cable lines, the problem of arc grounding overvoltage is more prominent.

本文利用数字计算机研究了超高压电力系统的空载长线合闸过电压。This paper studies closing overvoltage on unloaded line in EHV power system by means of digital computer.

本文通过一起动力站过电压事故原因的调查,得出了两种以上有争议的相近结论。The paper concludes two disputed conclusions through probing into an overvoltage accident in power station.

本文研究电力系统中电阻的非线性特征对谐振过电压的影响。This paper studies the influence of nonlinear character resistance on resonant overvoltage in power systems.

增加过电压关闭IC2中的电阻,通过IC3的控制LED中断电流流动。Rising overvoltage turns off both transistors in IC2, interrupting current flow through the control LED of IC3.

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阻尼给基频谐振过电压的稳定性带来的影响也得到了具体分析结果。The influences of damping on stability of harmonic resonant overvoltage are analyzed and some results are given.

本文主要研究了TCSC的装置特性和主动过电压保护及其控制。This dissertation focuses on the characteristics of TCSC installation, active overvoltage protection and control.

既是相间短路保护、匝间短路和单相接地保护,也可兼作过电压保护。This relay is both an interphase fault, turn-to-turn, single earth fault protection and an overvoltage protection.

此外,利用新模型,进行了过电压的仿真计算,并对其结果作了深入的分析。Furthermore, the overvoltage has been simulated with the new model and the results of simulation have been analysed.

用动电位扫描法将其与传统的二氧化铅,铂等阳极材料进行比较,发现它具有更高的氧过电势。Higher oxygen overvoltage has been confirmed compared with lead dioxide and platinum through Linear Sweep Voltammetry.

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依靠Q2的基极-发射极电压,过流检测机制的精度低于过压功能。Depending on Q2's base-emitter voltage, the overcurrent-detection mechanism is less precise than the overvoltage function.

该室外设备由主电源控制,适用于安装场所的最高过电压类别。Mains-operated outdoor equipment shall be suitable for the highest Overvoltage Category expected in the installation location.

变电站避雷器安装位置和数量及输电线终端塔的接地电阻对雷电过电压有著直接的影响。The location and quantity of arrestor and impulse grounding resistance of towers has direct influence on lighting overvoltage.