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产业链上游能够产生巨大的利润。Big profits happen upstream.

他向上游游去。He swam quartering upstream.

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鲑鱼正在向上游洄游。The salmon are running upstream.

鲑鱼正在向上游洄游。The salmons are running upstream.

我住长江头,君住长江尾。I live upstream and you downstream.

一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。A trout took the fly and ran upstream.

这里是喀纳斯湖的上游。This is the upstream part of the lake.

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该瀑布上游有许多大马哈鱼。Thee falls upstream are full of salmons.

你是否在一片深海逆流而游?Are you swimming upstream in oceans of blue?

转来转去不停止,于是石兽反而逆流而上了。Don't stop, so the beast's upstream instead.

当鲑鱼逆流去产卵时,熊就会大块朵颐。As salmon moves upstream to spawn, bear feasts.

意思就是说学习像在逆水中行船。It means that learning is like sailing upstream.

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仁者的责任让他知难而上。Benevolent responsibility to let him go upstream.

我们转向上游走,发现了一座粗糙的木桥。We turned upstream to find a crude wooden bridge.

关闭调节阀上游的关断阀。Close the shutoff valve upstream of the regulator.

在调节阀上游安装一个关断阀。Install a shutoff valve upstream of the regulator.

可惜天黑了,不能去河上游的深水洼游泳。It was too dark to swim in the waterhole upstream.

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我住长江头,君住长江尾.I live upstream and you downstream by Yangtze Blue.

或者网上游行进,寻找较窄和较浅的地带。Travel upstream to find narrower and shallow water.

测试用例是上游测试的不同子集。Test cases are a variant subset of upstream testing.