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你不能强迫别人学习。You cannot coerce someone into learning.

但强迫他仍然是不对的。But it would still be wrong to coerce him.

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你无法跟爱理论,也不能用威胁利诱要爱留下。You cannot bribe it or coerce it , or reason it into staying.

飘红约庆图晤面,要挟他协助弟弟解困。Wave red about WuMian kei figure, coerce him assist brother siege.

我也修改过代码,希望可以强制逸出分析运行。I also modified the code in an attempt to coerce escape analysis into working.

雪琪,记住,不要告诉宸哥我在偷偷习武。Snow Qi remembers, don't differentiate elder brother Chen at secretly Xi coerce.

为了逼闻道救自己的命,明德以少林和尚的性命来要挟闻道。In order to save himself forced to smell, mingde to coerce scent in shaolin monks life.

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魏肯与达西一同长大,在诱拐达西妹妹要挟财产不成后,做了一个军官。Taka Ken and darcy, grew up in abducting darcy sister coerce property fails, made a officer.

以学生作要挟,逼迫范老师接受他们的伪道德,实在是无耻透顶。To coerce students, forcing teachers to accept their Fan pseudo-moral, it is shameful extreme.

左冷禅欲借令狐冲与任盈盈的关系要挟岳不群。Left cold zen to borrow any relationship with linghu chong ying ying coerce yue not the cluster.

Ganesh说米索前列醇可能被一些家庭用来强迫妇女选择性地流产女性胎儿。Ganesh says misprostol could be used by families to coerce women into selectively aborting female fetuses.

而当执政者的贪婪之心日益茁壮时,就会开始以武力胁迫的方式侵犯弱小的国家。And when the dictator becomes greedier, he or she will start to coerce other weak countries by military force.

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再说美国保险公司经常使用恐怖手段,迫使它的保户。Or what about American Insurance Companies that regularly use terrorist tactics to coerce it's policy holders.

采用欺诈、胁迫的手段订立的劳动合同,如果损害国家利益,自应属无效。The labor contract which contains fraudulent and coerce , if it damages the benefit of the country, is invalid.

他们告诫称,欧央行迟早会被迫出台进一步措施,强制银行开始往外放贷.They warn that sooner or later the ECB will be forced to take further measures to coerce banks to start lending.

他把"暴力"界定为强迫某人做其不愿做的事情的意图。He defined “violence” as the intention to coerce another person to do something the other person does not want to do.

刘敏伤心过度放下狠话,以自杀要挟延平晚上去酒店与自己共住一晚。LiuMin too sad down malicious words to suicide coerce yenping night to go to the hotel with their common for a night.

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赵金贵以红九嫂做人质要挟黄占魁,最终被三人联手制服。Zhao Jingui with red nine sister-in-law hostage to coerce Huang Zhankui, has finally been three people to the uniform.

有幸的是,对于大多数女孩和少数男孩而言,妈妈们可以使用失望或羞愧来迫使子女服从。With many girls, and only some boys, moms havegood luck wielding disappointment and shame in order to coerce compliance.

这个类的实例化的对象能够通过创建数据的对象容器来将值强制转换成所需的数据类型。An instantiated object of this class can coerce values into desired datatypes by creating object containers for the data.