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走的路,呼吸的空气,都属于哈奇。The road, the air, hatcher owns it all.

罗拉在此名次上挤掉了科特尼·考克斯和泰瑞·海切尔。Lara edges out Courtney Cox and Teri Hatcher for this position on the list.

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这本书是写一个四年级小学生的小弟弟怎样调皮捣蛋的。It is about a fourth grade student, Peter Warren Hatcher , and how his little brother fools around.

泰瑞。海切尔在加利福利亚“今夜百老汇”歌舞晚会上,身着蓝色晚礼服,妩媚动人,惊艳全场!Teri Hatcher was beautiful in blue at the "Broadway Tonight! "evening of song and dance in celebration in California.

英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室,被誉为诺贝尔科学奖的“孵化器”。The Cavendish Laboratory of the English Cambridge University is hailed as the hatcher of the Nobel Prize for science.

大学的战略管理要求大学领导既是战略策划者,又要在战略的执行和实现中发挥指挥者的作用。The strategic management in universities needs the leaders to be the strategic hatcher and the compere to carry out the strategy.

我国的企业孵化是在借鉴美国的经验并结合中国国情发展起来的,具有自己的特色,也存在一定的问题。Our enterprise hatcher developed on both American experiences and China's actual conditions and it has its own characteristics and problems.

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沉默之后,海彻和他的手下开始大笑,最后他按住应答键让贝克听见了他们的笑声。Silence. Then Hatcher starts laughing. Then his henchmen start laughing. Finally he presses the reply button so Beck can hear them laughing at him.

作为中等职业教育延伸与提高的高等职业教育业已成为我国教育体系的重要组成部分,成为培养“高级蓝领”的重要孵化器。The extension and promotion of higher vocational education have been an important part of our country's education system and the hatcher of "High Blue Collar".

作为一个策划组长,在这次活动中积累了不少组织一次活动的经验,体验了从开始的苦苦思索到真正开展时的担忧和现场时处理问题的随机应变,收获了很多。As a hatcher , I accumulated many experiences and tasted the puzzle at the beginning, the misgivings during prosecution and learned to play to the score in scene.

着重对现在学界的流行看法诸如把关人、策划人、舆论领袖等进行梳理,并提出了自己的见解,这也是本文的创新点之一。It hackles the popular view in academia such as the gatekeeper, hatcher , the head of consensus, and brings forward its own opinion, which is the innovation of the article.

介绍了企业孵化器的基本概念,以阳泉高新技术创业园区孵化器为例,提出了高新技术孵化器建筑设计的基本原则。This paper introduces the concept of enterprise hatcher, with the Yangquan high-tech garden as the example, presents the basic principles of the high-tech hatcher building design.

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在外资国内大型集团公司从事十一年人力资源总监、培训总监、市场总监、战略策划、财税筹划等职。Engaged in H. R majordomo and Training majordomo and Marketing majordomo and Enterprise strategic hatcher about eleven years in several foreign capital enterprise and large-scale group company.

提出了一种新型的课件设计制作方法——在教学专家指导下的,由策划、美工、专业教师、计算机编程人员等分工协作,共同完成的工程化制作方法。A new method of courseware design was put forward, which is completed by cooperation of hatcher , art designer, professional teacher, and computer programmer under the guide of education experts.

介绍了国内外企业孵化器发展经历、现状和特点,提出了当前国内林业孵化器建设的几点建议。This paper introduces the development experience, actuality and characteristic of corporation hatcher at home and abroad, puts forwards some suggestions of constructing domestic forestry hatcher.