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在这个监狱里,他可是个举足轻重的人物。In this prison he is a heavy hitter.

投手和击球员站在哪里?Where do the pitcher and the hitter stand?

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这位本垒手真能遵守诺言吗?。Could the home-run hitter keep his promise?

您怎么理解击球员规则?How do you feel about the designated hitter rule?

假如他能学会早挥棒击球,他就成为一名较好的击球队员。He'd be a better hitter if he could learn to pull.

若他是一个棒球手,他会是一个全垒击球手。As a baseball player, he would be a home-run hitter.

如果没有人上垒,打者必须想办法。If no one is on base, the hitter must try to get on.

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这位击球员击球过重把球棒都打断了。The hitter swatted the ball so hard that the bat broke.

新手证明是队里最出色的击球员。The rookie turned out to be the best hitter on the team.

每个棒球投手都喜欢快球,就好像人人都喜欢冰淇淋。Every hitter likes fastballs, just like everybody likes ice cream.

本文最先发表于他的个人博客“重拳销售博客”。This post originally appeared on his blog, The Heavy Hitter Sales blog.

你是球队的第四棒打者,你对这个角色有足够的认知吗?You're the fourth hitter of the game, shouldn't you have an understanding?

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托瑞爷爷说,当小王投出他所有的球种时,没有多少个打者可以打好他的球。Torre said there is not much a hitter can do when Wang has all his pitches.

王先生为了提高身价,喜欢提起大人物的朋友。Mr. Wang likes to mention a heavy hitter as his friend to promote his status.

了不起的美国击球手罗杰·马里斯在棒球场上异乎寻常地镇定。The great Yankee Hitter Roger Maris was unusually calm on the baseball field.

我想跟金莺球员讨论关于他的事情,所以我前往球员休息室。I wanted to talk to an Orioles hitter about him, so I went to the home clubhouse.

投手教练古伯伯说”会使得打击者难以打击,小王今天所做的,就只是试著让他们失去平衡。It makes it harder for the hitter to hit. All he did was just keep them off balance.

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谁会想到进行26场比赛后小卡布会是队上最佳的强力打者?Who would've thought 26 games into the season Melky Cabrera would be team's best power hitter?

打者在这个练习中,下面的手将球棒从一侧肩膀拉到另一侧肩膀。The hitter then performs this drill using the bottom hand pulling the bat shoulder to shoulder.

强力的击球手用软木填塞球棍得到的那点更远的距离,由于碰撞效率的问题而被失去了。What distance a power hitter gains using a lighter corked bat he loses in collision efficiency.