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现在按一下阿飞的帽子和手套。Now click on ALFY's hat and mittens.

车子停下,小阿飞们走下车。The car stops and the Punks get out.

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按一下阿飞的房子回家。Click on ALFY's house to return home.

张飞?阿飞我也比不了哇!Zhang Fei?Teddy boy I also ratio not!

按一下阿飞帮助他堆一个雪人。Click ALFY to help him make a snowman.

按一下阿飞给他一个好主意。Click on ALFY to give him a good idea.

没有真爱,我们只是白活,阿飞。Without true love we just exist, Alfie.

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按一下阿飞床上的床单。Click on the sheet that is on ALFY's bed.

按一下阿飞来看他为你滑滑板。Click on ALFY to see him skateboard for you.

按一下阿飞的新朋友结束学校的日子。Click on Alfy's new friends to end the school day.

我以为是那些小阿飞,但是门口并没有人。I thought it was those punks, but no one was there.

阿飞、兆辉成了最好的朋友。Teddy boy, trillion fai became the best of friends.

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帮助阿飞建造一座堡垒,先按一下椅子。Help ALFY build a fort by first clicking on the chair.

在其芳和小星的呼唤中,阿飞醒了,一家团圆。In its fang and small star's call, teddy boy woke up, a reunion.

按一下蓝色的颜料帮助阿飞和他的朋友用手指画。Click on the blue paint to help ALFY and his friends finger paint.

按一下雪橇送阿飞和他的朋友从山上下来滑一圈。Click on the sled to send ALFY and his friend down the hill for a ride.

孩子们拼了命跑着,穿过邻近小区,后面的小阿飞则紧紧跟着。The kids run for their lives through neighborhood with the Punks gaining on them.

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当她捡起钥匙,那两个小阿飞正上气不接下气地站在她前面。When she picks them up, the two Punks are standing in front of her, breathing hard.

短毛狗看起来很失望。就在这时,那两个小阿飞一路追赶着来到了篱墙那边。The Doberman looks disappointed. Just then the two Punks make their way over the other fence.

他主演过的电影有霸王别姬,阿飞正传,春光乍泄等等。He starred in the film are Farewell My Concubine, Days of Being Wild, Happy Together and so on.