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这个奇妙的乐器就是月琴。This wonderful instrument is the yu-kin.

月琴岛上的绝世美人大路寺智子竟然是“蜂王”?Yueqin island supernatural beauty daidouji naokou is incredibly "queen"?

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而路顺阳对月琴的痴情却是任何事物都不能替代的。Yet his fascination of the yu-kin cannot be substituted by anything else.

现在,市面上所有的雅马哈电子琴都有路顺阳的月琴音色。Now, almost all Yamaha electronic organs on the market contain the tune of yu-kin.

琵琶是一种古老的中国拨弦乐器,它也被称为中国月琴。Pipa is an old Chinese plucked string instrument. It is also called the Chinese lute.

刘雨生回到乡政府,把老谢的话,一五一十,告诉了邓秀枚和李月琴。When Liu Yusheng got back the township government, he recounted everything Lao Xie said in detail to Deng Xiumei and Li Yuhui.

意大利总统称赞他的演奏是用心在唱歌,说月琴是东方的曼陀林!The Italian President once acclaimed that lu's performance is a singing of the heart, and that yu-kin is the Mandolin of the east.

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1996年路顺阳应日本雅马哈公司请求,首次将月琴音乐输入到雅马哈电子合成器。In 1996, at the request of the YAMAHA Company of Japan, Mr. Lu inputs the music of the yu-kin into an electronic synthesizer for the first time.

芗剧的乐器有壳仔弦、月琴、大提琴等,跟习见的台湾歌仔戏有些不同。Instruments for Hsiang Opera include gourd stringed instruments, Chinese violins, and cellos, somewhat different than what one normally sees in Taiwanese Opera.

中国气象局气象科学研究院人工影响天气中心史月琴分析,此次天气过程对开展人工增雨作业比较有利。Academy of Meteorological Sciences China Meteorological Administration, Center for Shi Yueqin of weather, the weather process for carrying out artificial rainfall operations more favorable.

我是月琴学校的学生,这个学校很漂亮,有很多高楼,绿树,漂亮的花朵。我们也有很棒的老师,我喜欢在我的学校读书。I am a student in Yueqing FLS. My school is very beautiful. there are many tall buildings, GREen tress, nice flowers in our school. We have wonderful teachers too. I like studying in my school.