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雪是忠厚的。The snow is honest.

他是一个忠厚的伴侣。He is a true friend.

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他的本性就是忠实,非常忠厚。He was very faithful and honest.

咱们都以为他对同伙忠厚。We all consider him loyal to his friends.

一个轻信的父亲,一个忠厚的哥哥。EDM A credulous father, and a brother noble.

古时候有一个人叫高敬华,他为人忠厚耿直。In ancient time, a man called Gao Jinghua was honest and tolerant.

真诚处世可以使你作为忠厚之人而获得很多自信。Practicing sincerity is a quick way to gain confidence as a loyal person.

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少校对他和他那美丽、忠厚但头脑迟钝的女儿都一样和颜悦色。To him and his beautiful, honest, but dull daughter the major is equally suave.

作为旁观者,Liane看起来没有方向,也没有目标,但实际上她是一个很忠厚的人。To onlookers, Liane may seem directionless and without purpose, butactu'sly quite consistent.

苔丝天性极其忠厚,但是要去同爱情搏斗又未免力量太弱小了,所以后来的结果是自然而然的。Tess's honest nature had fought against this, but too feebly, and the natural result had followed.

他勤劳、忠厚、乐观,备受人们尊敬,大家都亲切地称他“山姆大叔”。He is diligent, honest, optimistic, respected by the people, people affectionately call him "Uncle Sam".

那些忠厚的音乐会观众会讲唱片并不能取代现场的表演,可是他们忽略了一些工作。Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the point.

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我在以色列算是一座和平忠厚的城,你却图谋消灭一座以色列的母城。Am not I she that answer truth in Israel, and thou seekest to destroy the city, and to overthrow a mother in Israel?

一个人要达成完美品格的人,必须具备忠厚、忠信、忠直以及诚心、诚意的品格。One who wishes to attain a whole personality ought to be honest, faithful, sincere and to be imbued with other fine virtues.

面对这样的人,老实忠厚是没用的,他们会贪得无厌,那么你有什么好办法吗?In the face of such a person, honest honest is of no use, they will insatiable, then you have nothing to remedy the situation?

孔子说,“即使在一个仅有十户人家的小村子里,也一定有象我这样忠厚信实的人,只是不如我喜欢学习罢了。”The Master said, "Even a ten-household hamlet must have wholehaertedly sincere truthful people like me, maybe not as fond of learning as I am."

有时,这忠厚人的良心不能不在那种夹杂诡辩和真理的令人极不舒畅的空气里倒抽一口气。At times the conscience of the honest man resumed its breathing, so great was the discomfort of that air in which sophisms were intermingled with truths.

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在公园弹唱的秦天曾经有了很多忠厚粉丝了,此日菜鸟窝的成员和特殊也都去听他的歌了。Sing in the park the day once had a lot of the qin dynasty and honest, the fans, the members of the bird's nest food and special all go to listen to his songs.

健康环保的舒适面料,缤纷的颜色,简洁、当时的风尚、经典的款型预设,使“童话故事”领有庞大的忠厚消费群体。"Fairy tale" is possessing of a great number of honest consumption mass because of its comfortable healthy colorful fabric and simple fashion classical design.

她现在已经看出他的真相了——他是一个勤忙苦作、忠厚诚实的德国老人,曾经尽力撑起一个困苦的家庭,过着一生纯厚的生活。She saw him now in his true perspective, a hard-working , honest, sincere old German, who had done his best to raise a troublesome family and lead an honest life.