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探讨医院的行风建设。To explore the industrial quality construction of hospital.

玄武空象何所依,行风静云瑶台舞。By air as any of the basalt, MORALS static cloud Yaotai dance.

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探讨医疗卫生行风建设问题。To explore the construction of current mood in medical health.

可以说,明星们在推动这一流行风潮中依旧发挥着重要作用。Celebrities continue to play a role in popularizing the trend today.

在高校,建设优良的行风,有利于提高人才培养质量。It is vital for improving the quality of talents training to establish better morale in a university.

该公司将此次行风评议工作作为对供电优质服务的一次大检阅。The company will be the work of the professional climate appraisal services as an overall review of the power supply.

在社会开放程度越来越高的形势下,用行风监督志愿者替代行风监督员不失为一种好方法。In the more and more open situation, it is feasible to take the place of the trade ethos supervision by the trade ethos supervision volunteer.

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这是我省准备在全国率先做出的尝试,将使民主评议政风行风评得更准、更实在、更贴近民生。Liaoning will take the lead in launching such appraisal in China to drive democratic appraisal more accurate, actual and close to people's lives.

本文着重从抓好“四个加强、四个落实”、实行“五个更加注重”、完善“五项工作机制”来阐述如何全面加强医院行风建设,促进医院和谐发展。In this paper, we talk about how to strengthen hospital style building from all aspects in order to promote the harmonious development of the hospital.

内容提要医院是一个直接面向社会的窗口,医院的行风问题容易被社会广泛关注,成为群众反映的热点问题。Contents brief summary The hospital is a little bit hot problem that an a breeze problem is easy drive social extensive concern, become the crowd reflect.

妥善处理税务执法与行风建设的矛盾,是税务机关和税务人不能回避而必须高度重视和加以解决的重大课题。It is an important problem for tax authorities and collectors to deal with well the contradiction between tax law enforcement and trade ethics construction.

介绍贵阳医学院附属医院抓行风建设,提升医疗服务质量的经验。Introduce the experiences of Hospitals of Guiyang Medical College in paying close attention to medical ethics construction and improve medical service quality.

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因此,强化规范建筑市场治理,对端正行风与廉政建设,促证建筑业稳定发展,是至关重要的。Accordingly, aggrandizement standard builds market control, build to decorous travel wind and Lianzheng, hurried card bldg. stabilizes development, it is crucial.

就此课题从税务执法与行风建设矛盾的表现形式、税务执法与行风建设矛盾的形成原因、对解决矛盾的几点思考等方面作了初步探索。This article probes into the form of expression, the reason of forming and solution to the contradiction, between tax law enforcement and trade ethics construction.

督查组认为,电力公司行风评议工作起步早,行动快,制定的实施方案、整改措施可操作性强。Inspection team that the power companies MORALS appraisal work started early, fast action, the development of implementation plans, corrective measures can be workable.

督查组认为,该公司在行风评议工作中,上下联动,狠抓落实,着眼整改,取得了实效。Inspection team that the company in the professional climate appraisal work, the upper and lower linkage, implement the plan, focus correction, and achieved practical results.

我厂出厂的烘箱,均设有分风装置,用户可在使用前进行风叶调节,使上下温差处于最佳状态。The oven delivered by our factory is adapted air distribution device. Before application, customer can adjust fan blade in order to make the temperature difference at the best state.

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建立健全约束机制,正确应用约束手段,能起到规范医德行为、制约不良行风作用并不断提高医德水平。When our establishing and strengthen restration mechanism and correctly using it, it can regulate behavior of medical morals , restrict bad behavior, raise level of medical morality.

医院网站作为医院信息化建设中的重要环节,是加强医院行风建设的重要阵地。As the important link in the hospital informationization construction, the hospital website takes the critical position in the strengthening of the hospital medical moral construction.

学校连年被评为“河南省行风建设工作先进单位”,在2009年省管高校党风廉政建设责任制检查考核中位列全省高校之首。In 2009, in the evaluation of responsibility system for improving the Party's work style and building clean government, HHU is on the top list of all the universities in Henan province.