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这个国家的财源殷实吗?Are the country's finances sound?

一个真正的朋友永远不会在意他的朋友是贫窭的仍然殷实的。A true friend never care whether his friend is poor or rich.

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张岱出生于世宦之家,家境殷实,早年生活条件优越。He lived a kind of superior living conditions in his early years.

八月带来成捆的谷物,家家户户殷实富足。August brings the sheaves of corn , then the harvest home is borne.

他们的生活对城市里的殷实人家来说似乎过于严朴。Their lifestyle could seem Spartan to a city family with their assets.

奈特能来上课跟他殷实的荷包可能有点关系。Mr. Knight's access to classes may have something to do with his pocketbook.

然而,在最近几年,几个殷实的反对意见了。In recent years, however, a number of substantial objections have been raised.

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佩顿·法夸尔,家境殷实的种植园主,出身于阿拉巴马州一个古老的望族。Peyton Farquhar was a well-to-do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family.

因为家底殷实,小肯尼迪生活优裕,也像胡佛那样将任职总统的收入捐作慈善。A trust-fund baby, JFK lived well and, like Hoover, donated his presidential salary to charity.

我的家族在这个中西部城市声名显赫,殷实富足,已有三代。My family have been prominent, well-to-dopeople in this Middle Western city for three generations.

我的家族在这个中西部城市声名显赫,殷实富足,已有三代。My family have been prominent, well-to-do people in this Middle Western city for three generations.

他们拥有健康的身体和殷实的财力,以后可能还有40年的舒适生活等着他们。With good health and solid finances they may have another 40 years of comfortable living ahead of them.

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日本尽管在GDP总量上已经输给中国了,但日本的普通公民还是普遍要殷实得多。While Japan might have lost its place to China, the average citizen there is still generally much richer.

即使是衰退时代消费者的钱包仍然殷实,与其租衣服不如买衣服。Disposable income remained high even during the recession and consumers ditched renting for the retail industry.

殷实的民资、旺盛的消费、开放的心态,为第三产业发展孕育了肥沃的土壤。The buoyant civil capital, vigorous consumption and open mind have nurtured a fertile soil for tertiary industry.

秋光么!那是一个个素淡的日子叠加起来的殷实,晶莹玉润。是沧海桑田瞬间凝固后的平静淡定。Autumn light! It was a quiet day together rich, crystal jade run. Is the moment of calm calm after solidification.

呈深樱桃红色,有成熟的果味,丰郁且带辛辣味,一款有着殷实且有着令人愉悦单宁的红葡萄酒。It has deep cherry red, ripe fruit, rich and spicy on the nose, it is a good solid red wine with pleasant tannins.

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时光流逝,在奥斯顿的站台上再度见到他,真有些陌生感,尤其是他现在如此地阔气殷实。It was strange to see him, after all these years, here on the platform of Euston, looking so prosperous and solid.

并且这些相关的智能水平是否在我们成长过程中也保持着同样的差异还是根据双亲家里的殷实程度而有所变化呢?And do these relative levels of mental ability remain the same as we grow up or do they vary according to the affluence of parental homes?

每一个施柯都是一个学习的独特机会。珍惜并充分利用这些机会,生活便会日渐丰厚,殷实。Each moment is a unique opportunity to learn. Value and make use of those opportunities, and life will steadily grow more richly rewarding.