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我为你患了相思病。I'm love sick for you.

相思病无药医。No herb will cure lovesickness.

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医生说我是得了相思病。The doctor said I is love-sick.

夏天,我的节奏害了相思病。Summertime, my rhymes were so lovesick.

但是,害了相思病的年轻情侣们都私奔何方呢?But, where do lovelorn young couples elope?

害相思病。你知道她喜欢上谁了吗?。Love sick. You know who she's in love with?

她自从得了相思病而益发憔悴。She has pined away since she got lovesickness.

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人得了相思病会鼻塞吗?。Did the person get lovesickness meeting n&v snuffle?

我很高兴地发现默里只是得了相思病。I was glad to find out Murry was only sick with love.

真的有科学依据的相思病吗?The true lovesickness that there is scientific basis?

想人会得相思病哒?。Does meeting considering a person get lovesickness Da?

朱莉在迈克身边时,就像是个得了相思病的小狗。Julie acts like a love-sick puppy when she's around Mike.

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弗洛伊德把相思病唤作“正常人的精神病。”Freud called lovesickness “the psychosis of normal people.”3

弗洛伊德把相思病唤作“正常人的精神病。”Freud called lovesickness “the psychosis of normal people.”3

换句话说,不要让大家看到你害了相思病。In other words, do not let everyone see how lovesick you are.

每年圣瓦伦丁节,患相思病的英国人都表现出色。The lovesick St. British Excel themselves each Valentine's Day.

天长日久,我便害了一种迷恋时髦服装的相思病。As time went by, a lovesickness of fashionable clothes came into me.

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思念是一种病,宝贝儿,我想我病了,得了相思病了。Dongdong, missing is one kind of sickness, I thought I have gotten sick, lovesickness.

相思病是被外力违背我们的意志强加于身上的。Lovesickness is a condition brought upon us, against our will, by a force somehow external to us.

它们之间的分开使得莫里很伤心并且不思饮食。我很高兴发现了莫里得了相思病。The division between them would cause murry to be sad and not want to eat I was glad to find out Murry was sick with love.