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迟了合比完了佳/迟到合比丧命佳。Better late than the late.

完了后一路向南杀过去。Grind your way down south.

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那辆汽车只一会儿就驶完了那段数英里长的路。That car just eats up the miles.

他轻松地发表完了演说。He brought off his speech with ease.

他们买完了飞机票。They have bought their plane tickets.

我只差一封信就全写完了.I have written all my letters but one.

我他妈的整个排全完了!My whole goddamn platoon is wiped out!

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完了后把照片贴在冰箱上。Put this picture on your refrigerator.

苔丝心想,这场完了就该散场了。This surely would end it, thought Tess.

我们讲完了想象力。Now, we've talked about the imagination.

当磁带完了时把它倒回去。Rewind the tape when it comes to the end.

我相当快便米西完了早餐,随后便出往了。I had breakfast quickly, and then went out.

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他们扎完了绳梯的横索就上岸了。They finished rattling down and went ashore.

他在五分钟之内就画完了那幅画。He finished drawing the picture in 5 minutes.

他用二十五小时五十分钟飞完了全程。He completed the flight in25 hour and50 minute.

你回来啦,真是个惊喜,还没到午饭时间呢,你工作完了么?It is not lunch time yet. Are you through work?

好,上次我们已经讲完了数组。OK. I finished up last time talking about lists.

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完了之后,就把它们撇在一边,面对现实。After that, brush them away and deal with reality.

她刚服完了一个月的刑期。She has just completed an 12- month jail sentence.

而讲完这个问题,语言学习这部分也就讲完了And that will shut down the language learning part.