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说声再见,便不再相见,说声忘记,一切记忆便氤氲。Say goodbye, no longer meet, say forget, all memory is dense.

残月朦胧,很快氤氲的月色已经被一朵黑漆漆的云给遮住了。The moon is dim, and soon her moon has been a dark cloud obscured.

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既能弥漫的让人流连忘返,又能氤氲着使人自我陶醉。Both diffuse hard to forget, but also dense with people narcissism.

现实在我的身体周围氤氲,但我还依然活在我的梦里。Reality constantly revolves around my body, yet I'm still in dream.

那一个上午,空气里似乎都氤氲着一股轻薄暖和的气息。That one morning, appear in air the breath of a dense frivolous warmth.

衣被都开始氤氲着潮湿气味,恍然间如置身南国。Clothes and quilt are permeated with damp senses, like being in the south.

薄雾编织氤氲的网萦绕着黎明,令他迷惑而盲目。The mist weaves her net round the morning, captivates him, and makes him blind.

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此刻书房内的夜色还未褪尽,在灰蒙蒙、晦暗的氤氲里,这块光像一扇远远亮着灯的小窗。At this moment, the dim light at night in the study had not vanished out entirely.

九月的天空,丝丝细雨拈花入眸,空气中氤氲的水雾,打湿了一片叹息。September sky, slight drizzle Nianhua into eyes, dense fog in the air, wet a sigh.

特别是始于古印地安部落的耳烛氤氲疗法。In particular, began with the ancient Indian tribes of the ear candle Yinyun therapy.

月华如练,银光洒庭轩,氤氲透骨,青衫风露。Yuet Wah such as training, silver sprinkling chamber Xuan, dense Cold Dew wind, green.

所产白葡萄酒鲜亮明媚,果味怡人,酒香雅致,如花瓣般氤氲绽放。Produced by bright white wine, fruit wine pleasant, elegant, like flower petal Yinyun bloom.

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水汽升腾间,氤氲出一脉悠远的茶香,散发着倾城的寂寞和深沉。Between water vapor rising, dense tea out of a vein distant exudes loneliness and deep Allure.

近期利用厚重肌理的皴涂,形成光翳氤氲的效果。Recently, he is using heavy texture of the cracked coating to achieve the special lighting effects.

站在望乡台瀑布前,氤氲水汽从脚底升起,顿时凉意蔓延。Stand in front of the homeward falls, dense water vapor rises in the soles, suddenly spread coolness.

鱼的形态仿佛是在一片氤氲笔迹中慢慢扩散而自然生成,毫无人工之嫌。The shape of fish seems to be created naturally within the slow spread of ink. There is no artificial trace.

尹夏沫恬静地站在空荡荡地舞台中心,眼睛里有种氤氲地豪情。Yin Xiamo stands peacefully in the empty stage central committee, in the eye has plants the dense sentiment.

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夜幕氤氲下的城乡,华灯初上的时光,细雨刚刚飘过的地方,人潮涌动的街市公园。Night enshrouding the urban and rural, the evening times, drizzle just over the place, crowded downtown park.

墨黑的眸子氤氲出浓郁如雾的欲-望,他深深的掠夺她的唇、她的呼吸。Mo black Mou son cloudy the desire that is heavy such as fog-hope, he deeply loots the breath of her lips, shes.

一些艳丽的青藤缠在竹丛上,开着白色和粉色的花朵,空气中氤氲着香气。Some splendid vines threw a profusion of white and pink flowers over the bamboos, filling the air with fragrance.