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我爸爸拥有一间婚纱摄影室。My dad has a wedding studio.

那婚纱肯定有几十斤重。That thing must weigh 50 pounds.

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新郎和新娘一起从婚纱影楼出发。Bride and bridegroom start from Mohandseen.

你披上婚纱我披了袈裟!You covered wedding I grasped the cassocks!

完美的婚纱为了那最完美的一天而存在。The perfect dress makes for the perfect day.

格雷斯试穿婚纱时仅穿著短裤和背心。Grace tried on dresses over her shorts and tank top.

而单单一件婚纱的平均价格就高达997英镑。The average price of a wedding dress alone was ?997.

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“我们并不打算毁掉婚纱,”弗拉格说。"I don't think we would ruin the dress, " Flagg says.

你的婚纱华丽又简洁,哪里买的?Yeah ,much cheaper than you buy in the wedding studio.

没错,图上就是迷倒千万人的梅根福克斯穿着白色婚纱的样子,而且那件是阿玛尼设计的~Yes, she wore a white wedding dress –and it was Armani!

而且她还有一场穿婚纱的婚礼戏。And she gets to don a wedding dress for a nuptial scene.

那些婚纱都是不退还的。Bartering is not uncommon. The gowns are not returnable.

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金海岸婚纱摄影,幸福新娘首选品牌。Golden wedding photography, happy bride preferred brand.

求高手帮忙把下面的句子翻成英文“你,穿上婚纱,跟哥去教堂”Marriage gauze puts on to you, with elder brother, go to.

其中一个开心的家伙既穿着婚纱,又穿着燕尾服。One happy fellow wore a bridal skirt and a tuxedo jacket.

婚纱设计要简约大方,不能有过于冗杂的花边和褶皱。is designed to be simple, not too complicated lace or fold.

当然,我对婚纱和新娘装也特别的热爱。Of course my love extends to wedding and bridal fashion, too.

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当你穿上了爱情的婚纱,我也披上了和尚的袈裟。When you put on love, wedding, and I donned a monk's cassock.

我穿着华丽的白色无肩带串珠婚纱礼服,小花童为我捧起长长的拖尾。I was wearing a strapless beaded white dress with a long trail.

性感婚纱会给你一个独特的,幸福的婚礼。The sexy wedding dress will give you a unique and happy wedding.