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他们吸纳了海吉拉斯五分之四的收入。They pocket four-fifths of hijras' earnings.


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公立医院无法吸纳所有医科生。Public hospitals cannot recruit all medical students.

市场吸纳了我们所能生产的全部电脑。The market absorbed all the computers we could build.

这个精英体制吸纳了竞争力。The meritocratic corpocracy absorbs rival power bases.

他有百分之五十的机会被吸纳进这个项目。He has an even chance of being accepted by the program.

今次天星钟楼事件,为港府吸纳民意的机制敲响警钟。The clock tower affair has set the alarm bells ringing.

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在轻盈愉悦的氛围中,每个人的呼出与吸纳都无比丰盛。Everyone gives and receives much in an atmosphere of lightness.

网站吸纳新成员的方法很简单。The way that accepts new members is simple.

那么就要有一个改革计划,以及一个吸纳各方力量的计划。So there is a reform agenda, and there is a an inclusion agenda.

同时罕还广泛吸纳各阶层人士,从伊斯兰神学家到货车司机。But Mr Khan also attracted others, from mullahs to lorry drivers.

江桥板块无疑于一个潜力股,低价吸纳,自住投资皆宜。Bed plate is in a potential unit cost absorbed her home investment.

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无印是一个容器,吸纳他们作为设计师和普通人的经验。MUJI is a receptacle for their experiences as designers and as people.

每个系统吸纳了那些逃离天琴星的人所带来的要素。Each system adapted elements of what those fleeing Lyra brought with them.

这促使以H-K为主要框架的新贸易理论对现代企业理论的吸纳。This encouraged H-K new trade theories to combine with modern firm theories.

你们看到了,法学院要求你们做的远不止吸纳新的信息。法学院要求你们以一种全新的方。You see, law school asks you to do more than learn new information. It also.

2011年1月,被中国国家旅游总局吸纳为核心媒体团成员。In Jan. 2011 lvren. cn joined CNTA and became a member of its core media group.

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它最初出现于江南地区民间建筑中,进而逐渐为官式建筑吸纳采用。It firstly appeared in the folk buildings in the region south to Yangtse River.

他们否定了某些要素,但他们在吸纳的同时又进行了否定。They reject certain elements But they almost reject them by incorporating them.

吸纳下岗失业人员的,按规定享受各项再就业扶持政策。They will enjoy supportive re-employment polices in recruiting laid-off workers.