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这种音箱的箱体是手工制作的。This kind of speaker box was handcrafted.

你现在的音箱能这么玩么?Try that with the speakers you use today.

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我在立体音箱上放张唱片,你不介意吧?Do you mind of I play a record on the stereo?

音箱相关尺寸和硬币硬币对比图。Speaker-related and coins coin size comparison chart.

全频卫星音箱与彩绘完成。Full Frequency Satellite Speakers with Color Painted Finish.

中层放显示器,上层可以放置音箱。Middle-level puts monitor, superstratum can place sound box.

我可以让所有的音箱同时打开──这在朋友聚会时会很棒。I could have all the speakers on at once -- good for a party.

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摆放返听音箱的位置并且找出舞台上哪些点是可以工作的。Play with the placement of your wedges and find out what works.

“骑乐”是一款专为户外运动而打造的音箱!"Qiyue" is a specially designed speaker box for outdoor sports!

广州哪里有唯歌音箱专卖店?Where has Guangzhou to sing loudspeaker box exclusive agency only?

适用于电脑主机板,高保真音箱,高分辨数码彩电等电子线路中。Used in main board , hi-fi acoustics , numeral color-TV circuits etc.

音箱毛毯有阻燃效果、不阻燃效果。The sound-box felt may be made with or without flame-resistant effect.

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F-10音箱适用于会议室。多功能厅。酒吧会所等。The F-10 is perfect for meeting room. multi-functional room. disco club.

一位卖,迷你音箱,扬声器,低音炮,扬声器,音频系统。Sell speaker, mini speaker, loudspeaker, subwoofer, speakers, audio system.

这也是一个设计,可以更容易地定位在一个房间里尊宝音箱。It is also a design that makes it easier to position Jamo speakers in a room.

带着年幼孩子的两个家庭在一个放着音乐的音箱旁一起跳舞。Two families with small children dance together near a speaker playing music.

当我弹奏吉他的时候,我喜欢把我的额头凑近音箱。I liked to lean my forehead on my amp’s speaker enclosure when I played guitar.

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主要生产调音台、功率放大器、音箱及周边设备。Mainly produce mixers, power amplifiers, loudspeakers and periphery equipments.

正如他们所预期的,在隔音箱里长大的鸟鸣唱出来的是粗腔横调。As expected, birds raised in soundproof boxes grew up to sing cacophonous songs.

曼声的超低音箱均可依需求从标准功率版本升级至高功率版本。All Munson Sub Series models can be upgraded to high power version as per option.