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事实上,温庭筠诗名雄霸晚唐,他的人生遭际和倔强个性在唐末产生共鸣,温诗对唐末五代诗歌的影响远在李商隐之上。In fact, Wen's influences on poetry at the end of the Tang dynasty and Five Dynasties surpassed Li greatly.

梦阳晚年心态的这种变化,跟他的生平遭际密切相关。Such a change in his mentality was closely related to the difficulties and dangers he met with in his life.

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但每逢遭际精神无根的文化危机时代,总会出现“去经典化”与“伪经典化”共生的现象。However, every time culture faced a crisis, there would appear both "discarding classics" and "pseudo-classics".

这些建筑的环境描写与人物的性格、情感及其命运的遭际、结局紧紧地统一融合在一起。The environmental description on the Grand View Garden knits tightly together with the characteristics, emotions.

但因性情和人生观之差异,他们又有着完全不同的命运遭际。But because of the difference in dispositions and values of life, the two have experienced entirely different fates.

这种人与人之间的相互欣赏,无疑极大地缓解了中国人的种种不幸遭际。That this appreciation of human society is a great alleviation of many of the miseries which the Chinese suffer, cannot be doubted.

第二部分以洪兴祖、朱熹为中心,结合历史背景、个人遭际等分析在宋代产生的尊屈与抑屈的争论。The second part of it combines historical background and individual experience of Hong and Zhu to analyze the debate about Qu Yuan.

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“娜拉”出走后的沉浮遭际,构成了中国现代爱情喜剧的主要题材特色。The ups and downs Nora experiences after leaving home constitute the main themes and characteristics of modern Chinese love comedies.

屠格涅夫笔下的丽莎和沈从文笔下的翠翠在外在形象与爱情遭际上有著惊人的相似。Lisa and Cuicui, though created by different writers from different cultures, they share dramatic similarities in character and love experience.

鲁迅复仇心态主要受他的生活遭际、地域文化和社会现实的影响,与鲁迅其他个性心理是互相影响的。Is that positive influence performance is fast for Luxun to the whole life insist the "tenacity" for country people with sober of realism spirit.

第二节“政治理想的困境”,主要从小说中萧云仙这一人物的人生遭际表明原始儒学政治理想在现实中的必然失败。The second section points out the doomed failure of primary Confucian political ideal in real world by analyzing the life experiences of Xiao Yunxian.

从这一形象的最终毁灭可以看出,人生选择和人生遭际对悲剧命运具有决定性作用。From the ultimate end of the portrait, it can be inferred that the choice for life and the experiences of life are vital for a person to have a bad fortune.

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教育学理论的发展理应走上一条人生之路、人文之路,这条道路就生成于教育学在发展中所遭际的诸种矛盾和冲突中。Pedagogical theory's development should go a endogenous and humanistic path, which is built in the contradictions and conflicts that pedagogy meets in its progress.

在这个以经济建设为中心的年代,人文知识分子和文学难以逃脱“边缘化”的历史遭际。In modern age, which takes the economic construction as the focus, the literature and intelligentsia of humanism can hardly escape from gradually being marginalized.

她仿佛就是他觉得布满了身边的那漫无边际的悲悯,此刻化成了肉身,正不辞劳碌地扮演着贫苦老妇人的角色,朴实无华,以其遭际感人泪下。As if she were the immense pity he felt spread out around him, made flesh, diligently, without pretense, playing the part of a poor old woman whose fate moves men to tears.

通过不同的文学体裁描写人物异化为动物及其异化之后的生活遭际与精神风貌,这是欧洲文学的一大艺术传统。One of the European literature tradition is using different materials to describe that man dissimilates into an animal as well as its sufferings and mental outlook after it.

在这些最感激的国家中有我的国家,以色列民族,而他们曾经为他们的自由而战,并克服难以置信的苦难生存下来,无论古代还是现代都遭际如此。Among the most grateful nations is my nation, the people of Israel, who have fought for their liberty and survival against impossible odds, in ancient and modern times alike.

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因时代、出身、个性、遭际等的不同,李白和李贺的诗歌意象呈现出不同的审美特征。The poetry images in the poems by Li Bai and Li He show different aesthetic characteristics because of their different times, family backgrounds, personalities and life experiences.

唐寅由于人生遭际而形成的处世哲学、人生态度、诗歌风格,在他所创作的题画诗中都有不同程度的反映。The setbacks in his life helped TANG Yin construct his life philosophy, life attitudes, and the style of his poetry, all of which are reflected in his poems with drawing to some degree.

我们也必须考虑他们在不幸遭际之中心境平和,这种似永恒般的好心情我们称之为“常乐”。"We must also take account of their quietness of mind in conditions often very unfavourable to it, and of that chronic state of good spirits which we designate by the term "cheerfulness.