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人们探求真理。Human beings seek the Truth.

他们正在探求真理。They are groping after the truth.

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探求真元,是我们的职责。Exploring truth is our responsibility.

科学就是探求真理。Science means the exploration of truth.

他探求解决问题的方法。He groped for a solution to his problem.

没有什么能够阻止一个科学家探求真理!Nothing Can Stop a Scientist From Telling the Truth !

深度运动知觉问题的研究目前仍处于探求阶段。The perception of motion-in-depth is still in research.

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我们正在探求进一步合作的可能性。We are looking into the possibility of working together.

我乐于用直觉探求世界、用心学习本领,这是探索的收获。I enjoy intuiting and learning, the fruits of my discovery.

所以,让我们在这学习如何探求知识,如何更具智慧。So, seek knowledge and be intelligent. Here’s how you do it.

漫无目地的我,走在漫无目地探求爱人的路上。Overflowing of I, walk in the overflowing looking for love road.

思考与探求新世纪的居住模式也已迫在眉睫。Searching for new mode of inhabitation is urgent in the new age.

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在下面两个小节中,我们将会探求这些技术手段。We will explore these techniques in the next couple of sections.

他探求新的更好的方法来进行测试、自动化,及报告。He searches for new and better ways to test, automate, and report.

召开学术研讨会,探求杨公风水的真缔。Convene a seminar, investigate the true Di of Yang Gong's geomancy.

目的探求目前梅毒血清学试验的最佳选择。Aim To search the best serological detection for Treponema Pallidum.

企业别无办法,只有探求废除协议的办法。The business had no choice but to seek an annulment of the agreement.

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目的探求更为理想的室内空气消毒方法。ObjectiveTo search for a more ideal method of indoor air disinfection.

弥满天宇的光明,在草尖的露珠上探求极限。The light that fills the sky seeks its limit in a dewdrop on the grass.

一个无所事事的年白叟整天在浅薄的高兴和恋爱中探求快乐。An idle young man finds fun in seeking casual joy and love all day long.