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中国领导人许诺打压并惩罚囤积居奇者和投机商。China'sleaders promise to hunt down and punish hoarders and speculators.

大蒜价格的疯涨主要是由一些人的囤积居奇引起的。The price hike in garlic was mainly caused by hoarding and profiteering.

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中国领导人承诺严查和惩罚囤积居奇和投机倒把分子。China's leaders promise to hunt down and punish hoarders and speculators.

中国领导人承诺严查和惩罚囤积居奇和投机倒把分子。China’s leaders promise to hunt down and punish hoarders and speculators.

打击囤积居奇、扰乱市场的行为,维护市场秩序。Crack down on hoarding and disturb the market, safeguarding market order.

住宅成了少数一些富人囤积居奇谋取暴利的手段。The houses have become a few rich people's means of cornering and profiteering.

公告还要求“不囤积居奇”、“不集中“搭车”涨价”。The notice also warned against hoarding and “jumping on the bandwagon of price hikes.”

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首先,政府应该遏制房地产市场囤积居奇以谋取暴利的行为。First, government should check the cornering and profiteering in the real estate market.

不少拥有土地的单位“囤积居奇”,等待获取高利或暴利的时机。Many units owned land "hoarding", or wait for the acquisition of Gao Li profiteering opportunity.

这是由收藏家而非商人掌握的市场。商人们单纯地囤积居奇以哄抬画价。It is driven by collectors rather than dealers, who stockpile or underbid simply to push up prices.

依法打击串通涨价、囤积居奇、哄抬物价等违法违规行为。Illegal activities such as colluding or hoarding to drive up prices will be punished in accordance with the law.

百姓抢购白米,大海指灾民担心米商囤积居奇,令米价暴升。The people snapped up white rice, the sea refers to the people worry about the traders hoarding, prices soaring.

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大批半饥饿和心怀报复的城镇居民来到乡村,从农民手中抢夺粮食,后者则被指控为囤积居奇。Large mobs of half-starved and vindictive townsmen descended on villages to seize food from farmers accused of hoarding.

最大的赢家是磨坊主和包装商,因为他们可以囤积居奇。The biggest winners are the millers and packers because they are able to hold onto their rice and sell at higher prices.

毕竟,那些愤世嫉俗者们可能会说,上实集团不过在囤积居奇,伺机将这个潜在的大金矿推出去进行此类开发项目。After all, cynics might say, SIIC is sitting on a potential goldmine that readily lends itself to just such a development.

这些控制措施怂恿囤积居奇,抬高价格,伤害到全世界竭力想吃饱饭的最贫困人民。These controls encourage hoarding, drive up prices and hurt the poorest people around the world who are struggling to feed themselves.

联合国粮农组织说,尽管可以理解增加紧急粮食存储的必要性,但囤积居奇,禁止出口,只会让局势进一步恶化。The FAO says while stockpiling emergency supplies is understandable, hoarding staples and banning exports only made the situation worse.

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正在地震死亡和严重破坏重压下惊愕不已,尼泊尔又被囤积居奇者和黑市买卖人推进了一㘯新的危机。Staggering under the weight of death and destruction wreaked by the earthquake, Nepal's being pushed into a new crisis by hoarders and black marketers.

中期来说任何商品不论是棉花,洋葱还是铁矿石陷入价格飞涨,囤积居奇,禁止出口的恶性循环都不可行。A vicious circle of price rises, stockpiling and export bans does not make sense in the medium term for any commodity, whether cotton, onions or iron ore.

结果,当这些措施都未能促使食品供应增加时,他们就将士兵派到农村去,强行从那些“邪恶地囤积居奇”的农民手中没收谷物。When those measures failed to increase the supply of food, they sent soldiers into the countryside to forcibly seize grain from the evil farmers who were "hoarding" it.